College Newsletter | Term 1 - Week 5 | 3 March 2023

From the College Principal

Mr Matthew Brennan - College Principal (K-12)

Dear members of the St Greg's family,

On Wednesday 22 February we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Lent is the season that will last up to Easter. It is a time when we are conscious that we are not perfect, and we try to make ourselves better people. During the forty days of Lent, we are invited to reflect on our relationship with God and with others. We do this in three ways: Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving and Good Works.

Prayer is what we do daily as a community. During Lent the students can also spend time in the Chapel; praying alone, or joining community prayer times like Marist Prayer, Student Led Prayer and Friday Mass. They can fast from foods such as chocolate or meat, or you can fast from selfishness and feast on sharing hope and compassion. During Lent, we will be asked to donate towards those less fortunate through Marist Solidarity, our MAPS Appeal. This is our almsgiving; however, we can also give of ourselves in our families and local communities. During Lent we should reflect on God’s love for us by being people of action and showing love for others. 

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"We are too good not to be better!"

Mr Joel Weekes - Assistant Principal

Dear Members of the St Gregory’s College Community,  


Welcome to the end of Week 5 – its hard to believe that we are already halfway through Term 1! 

It has been a really settled start for our students and as we set up our routines, expectations and processes in the school. I want to thank the staff for the hours that the staff have contributed to the start of the year to ensure that the student experience is one of comfort, challenge and enjoyment.


From Good to Great . . .


Good schools like St Gregory’s College are always looking for ways to be even better. As a College that is growing, developing, refining and challenging what a good education looks like we keep he following motto in our vision . . .

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Every Minute Counts!

Mrs Diana Ivancic - Head of Junior School

How long is a minute?

Sometimes a minute can take forever, like when you are waiting for the kettle to boil, or you are on hold with an operator. At other times, a minute can fly by in the blink of an eye, like when you are running late for a bus or enjoying some time to yourself.

When we speak about a minute at school, every precious minute counts.

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AGILE Graduate and Achievements

There have been many opportunities already this term to discuss the importance of learning and to highlight the success of many of our students from 2022. The HSC High Achievers Assembly recognised those Year 12 students who obtained a Band 6 (a mark over 90) for a course that they studied, as well as recognising those students who achieved an ATAR of 90+. Both wonderful achievements, demonstrating a commitment to learning, a commitment to study, and overall dedication to achieving personal best. 


It is important to recognise and highlight success, as well as acknowledging that success is not a given, it is obtained through hard work and commitment. To be successful you need to be resilient. What does this look like for the students at St Greg’s? Students will keep trying their best even when things seem hard, they will ask for help, set SMART goals, value the process of learning rather than focusing on the outcome, and exercise self-control even when they may be feeling frustrated.

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Student Wellbeing and Events

Dear College community,

There has been so many exciting events happening around the College over the last 5 weeks, it has been a very busy time for students.

In Year 7 students were finally given their laptops and completed their bootcamp IT orientation. Year 7 also had their first gathering. The Year 7 Twilight Dance with St Patrick's College was met with enthusiasm and excitement. The evening was filled with ‘dance off’s’ and games, and by the end of the evening a large number of students felt comfortable and grateful to have attended such a wonderful event. A special thank you to the Year 7 homeroom team and Mrs Buckley and her team of parent helpers for organising the event. 

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Homework, Study and NAPLAN

Upcoming events

  • Tuesday 28 February Learning Enrichment IP Meetings begin
  • Tuesday 14 March Year 7 Study Skills Evening (Br. Luke Hall 6.30pm)
  • Wednesday 15 March NAPLAN Begins (Year 3, 5, 7, 9)
  • Tuesday 21 March Year 8 Study Skills Evening (Br. Luke Hall 6.30pm)
  • Monday 27 March Year 12 Assessment Block
  • Thursday 30 March HSC Minimum Standards Year 10 (and catch-up for Year 11/12)



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Boarding News

Dear Parents and Friends,

Our encouraging and positive start to the year has continued with all boys settling into our boarding routine, processes and structure fantastically well over the first part of the term. As the boys head home this weekend for a well-earned break with family I can’t thank them enough for the way they have managed themselves at the beginning of this term. We have kept them busy and this weekend is fantastic timing for a break. So, what have we been doing?

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Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Update

Term One aligns with the Planning Phase of the annual Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). St Gregory’s College has already commenced Personalised Planning Meetings for students with disability in Term 1, 2023. This process will continue throughout Term 1 and perhaps into Term 2.


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Gordon Fetterplace Public Speaking Competition - Junior School – 2023

Congratulations to all the students listed below who entered the Gordon Fetterplace Public Speaking Competition on Friday 10th February. St Gregory’s College has a long and excellent history promoting the art of Public Speaking and it was truly inspiring to witness some of our younger students continuing with this.

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Who We Are - Year 2

Year 2 have settled into their new classes and routines well. In Spelling, we have been reviewing our r-controlled vowels and expanding on what we know with the ‘Little Learners’ Literacy program. In Mathematics, we have been looking at the importance of Place Value when reading, writing and representing numbers.

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How the World Works - Year 6

In Year Six, we have kicked off the year with looking at How the World Works, focusing in on the planets within our Solar System. Students have unpacked and have begun to make connections with our central idea, “Our existence is strengthened through our understanding of causal relationships.”

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What will we do without chairs?

In Year 3, lots of learning is taking place. We have all settled in quite well and adjusted to the new routines of our classrooms. To kick start our Unit of Inquiry: Sharing the Planet, the teachers decided to take away all the chairs from both classrooms as a provocation to get the students motivated and interested for the rest of the unit.  What this did was help us focus on how important it is to adapt to new situations. 

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Junior School Lunch on the Lawn

Little Learners Love Literacy

It’s been an incredibly busy start to the year for our Year 1 students. They have continued to thrive with the ‘Little Learners Love Literacy’ program and have been making big connections with mathematical concepts.

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Sport in the Junior School



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2023 Junior School Western Region Swimming Team

We would like to recognise and congratulate the following students who represented the College at the Western Region Swimming Carnival on Wednesday, 1 March 2023;

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