College Newsletter | Term 2, Week 2 | 10 May 2024

From the College Principal

Mr Matthew Brennan - College Principal (K-12)

Dear members of the St Gregory’s family,

Sunday is a very special day as we celebrate our mum’s. The College had some wonderful celebrations on Thursday and Friday with our Junior school and Year 7 and 12 students involved. Despite the rain threat, the three events went off without a hitch due to the hard work behind the scenes from volunteers, boarders, and staff. I wish all mums in our community a wonderful day on Sunday!

Recent reports of male violence

There has been much reported in the media in recent times regarding male and domestic violence, and rightfully so. It is a great blight on society, and we must be better. Over the years, I have been fortunate to work with Dr Zac Seidler, a clinical psychologist, and a researcher for Movember, amongst other key roles. I encourage all to read a short article he published this week, with one part of the way forward.

Men's role in tackling domestic violence.

In the next few weeks, the College will also welcome back Old Boy, Dr Vincent Hurley, a lecturer of Criminology at Macquarie University. He will be hosting a Youth Forum with Year 11 and 12, challenging them as the next generation on eliminating this abhorrent problem. He was recently featured as a member of the audience on ABC’s Q&A when the topic of domestic violence was discussed. His contribution can be found here.


eSafety resource for Parents

Despite the many sessions and discussions had at school, eSafety is still a huge issue for us all. Sadly, even our youngest students are being exposed to many dangers. As parents, it is vital that, as first educators and the people who are with them most during unstructured time, that the role you play is understood. This is not a school-only issue.

I would encourage again, all parents to open the link below and read the many resources


Recent Events

It was wonderful to see so many families supporting ANZAC Day, despite the holidays. The community marched at Picton, Campbelltown, and Camden.

In sport, the PDS Volleyball teams represented the College outstandingly in the Grand finals (winning seniors), Rugby Union teams against The Shore School on Saturday, the First Grade Rugby League team winning the first round of the Peter Mullholland Cup and our Bill Turner Football side on their Round 1 victory over John Therry. We have boys representing the College in Dubbo this weekend at the Sheep Show and we will also have a stand at the Boarding Expo in Dubbo. We will also host a family dinner in Dubbo tonight. Finally, to our debaters, best wishes for their opening debate tonight.


Email Expectations

Staff were reminded at the beginning of term my expectations around their use of email. One point is that no staff are expected to be on email or reply to email after hours. Staff are expected to reply within 2 business days. It is unreasonable for parents to expect a reply after hours.

I would also like to remind you that aggressive emails are unacceptable. Unfortunately, I had to speak to a number of parents about their emails to staff at the end of last term. When I spoke with these parents on the phone, the matter was resolved. I will continue to call out poor parent behaviour, as our staff do not deserve it, and it is against the culture of collaboration and community building, examples of which I see daily. Can I ask that you please think before sending that email in anger or frustration and understand our staff have a life too and may not get back to you immediately.

My vey best wishes again to all the special ladies in our lives this Sunday.

May Mary Our Good Mother, and St Marcellin, continue to watch over our community.

Matthew Brennan

College Principal (K-12)

Senior School News

Mr Joel Weekes - Assistant Principal

Dear Members of the St Gregory’s College family,  


Term 2 is well and truly off and running! It is a short term, but it is a term that is jammed-packed. Our Years 7-10 students would have received their Exam Timetable, and it would be extremely beneficial for all students to have their study timetable in place. I trust that all mothers in the Junior School, Year 7 and Year 12 have enjoyed their mornings with us this week and we wish all mothers a fantastic day on Sunday. 


Marist Schools Improvement Framework Survey

As you are aware from various emails, this year is a pilot year for some of our Marist Schools to participate in a new ‘Marist School Improvement Framework’. This will form a vital component of the College’s new Strategic Plan that will be developed in 2024.

As a part of this process, our students, staff and parents of our community have been asked to complete two surveys that will provide data about these two critical areas of school life. Thanks to all parents who have completed the survey. If you have not, we will need to close this ‘survey window’ on this coming Monday 13 May. All parents and carers have been emailed, but if you cannot access this please contact me at 

I would encourage all parents to complete the surveys for the benefit of our community to make St Gregory’s College the best place it can be and to target the areas of need in our new Strategic Plan. 

Again, I thank you all for your contributions to this confidential survey. 

Successful School Environments

At St Gregory’s College, we are continually looking at what makes our school successful. A large part of this reflection is on where our major focus is, our vision, the strong positive relationships that we form with the students, and the engaged learning community that we are continually pursuing. 

In my opinion, successful schools have a clear and purposeful focus on teaching that is responsive to the learning needs of each student. At the end of the day, school needs to be about students! That is what is so wonderful about our goal of building a strong emphasis on differentiation of instruction to allow all boys to access the curriculum. 

A successful school will have a strong emphasis on collaborative learning partnerships between parents, teachers and students. A team-based approach to a student’s education is the most effective way to develop successful teacher practice and high levels of student achievement. Our students are extremely lucky to be a part of such a wonderful school environment. One of my goals this year is to continue to be more present in our classroom environments, and as I walk from class to class observing teacher practice, I am so impressed with the quality of teaching that our students are exposed to regularly.


Celebrating Student Success 

Nathan Simpson – Year 11

We are blessed at St Greg’s to have so many students that have a wealth of ability and talents in a variety of areas. Nathan Simpson from Year 11 has just returned from Orlando where he proudly represented Australia in the Cheerleading World Championships.  

His team was the Junior (14-18yo) Co-ed Team and they were successful in bringing home the gold medal!

Nathan is an amazing athlete and to see the images below of his athleticism is inspiring.


Jack Jones - Year 8

Another one of our star performances of late, has to be Jack Jones in Year 8. Last weekend, Jack came 2nd in Australia in the U14 Boys Javelin event in Adelaide. 

What a wonderful achievement from Jack, a fantastic performance and one that he should be extremely proud of!


Silvana Vashisht – Year 2

Only two short years ago. Silvana Vashisht, one of our very own Year 2 students, started skating due to having to use a voucher for a local roller skating rink. Silvana learned very quickly and started to train for Artistic Skating. 

Over the past two years, Silvana has competed in the Level 1 Rising Star at the NSW Championships in which she won.

This year, she is preparing for the Level 2 NSW Championships which will be held in September. We wish Silvano all the best as she prepares for this event.


Through the newsletter, I will draw your attention to some of the outstanding efforts, successes and ventures that our students achieve that we love to celebrate. Please email any success to me so we can continue to celebrate with your son or daughter to 


Events on the Horizon 

Week 3

Monday 13 May  

  • National Boarding Week kicks off
  • May Rosary     

Tuesday 14 May   

  • Years 7-10 Poetry in Action
  • Year 12 Geography Excursion 

Wednesday 15 May         

  • Motorcycle Technician Course       

Thursday 16 May         

  • Year 12 Reports Published
  • JS Photo Day

 Friday 17 May         

  • Bishop Brian Mascord at St Greg’s
  • Public Speaking at Fairfield Patrician Bros   
  • K-6 Assembly 

Saturday 18 May         

  • ISA Rugby


Week 4

Tuesday 21 May    

  • Senior School Lunch on the Lawn

Wednesday 22 May    

  • National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Musical Rehearsal

Friday 24 May          

  • Parent/Teacher Interviews

Saturday 25 May    

  • Boarders' Family Weekend 

Sunday 26 May    

  • Parent/Teacher Interviews


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all back for Week 3!  

As our St Gregory’s College motto states, ‘You will reap what you sow’.  


Mr Joel Weekes  

Assistant Principal/Head of Senior School


Junior School News

Mrs Diana Ivancic - Head of Junior School

Mother’s Day Celebration

Yesterday the Junior School celebrated the beautiful mums and significant female figures in our lives. The morning began with delicious egg and bacon rolls cooked by our volunteer dads and followed with a liturgy.  A lot goes on behind the scenes to plan, replan, pivot and prepare for the breakfast. Cooking for about 300 mums is no easy feat. There was a production line of volunteers getting ready from 6:00am. What an outstanding community we have.

The choir and Kindergarten performed songs for our mums, and a panel of mums at different stages in their ‘mum journey’ shared their insights. Thank you Mrs Limbrey & Mrs Mackay for guiding the choir. Thank you to Mrs Frew, Mrs Borg, Mrs Grima, Mrs Limbrey, and Mrs Hayes for sharing your beautiful stories.

Our mums, just like Mary our Good Mother, are very special people in our lives. They teach us, they guide us, they feed us, and they love us. 

We are, because they are.

We wish all our St Greg’s mums a very special day on Sunday. 


Mother’s Day Shopping

As usual, our students are so lucky to be able to go on a little shopping spree to purchase gifts for their mums, grandmothers, or significant person in their lives. It is always a delight to watch them selecting that ‘just right’ gift. I know there are many surprised faces when the gifts are opened on Mother’s Day – if the children can wait that long to give them to mum! Thank you to Mrs Stevens and Mrs Denford who coordinated these gifts and to our parent helpers who kindly gave of their time to help the students select their gifts.


Catholic Schools NSW

This week, the Catholic Schools NSW media crew came to St Gregs to take some photos of some students in the Senior and Junior Schools. They visited some classes and sport lessons. We may see some of our students appear in promotional material in the near future!


Our new Carline Pencil Posts

Have you seen our colourful and creative new carline Pencil Posts?  We are so proud of them and love how cool they look.

Did you know that these have been designed and made here, at the College by Mr Peter Smith, one of our maintenance team members? What a talent!

Thank you Peter, they look amazing.

Mother's Day

Mrs Cathie Clarke - Director of Mission

At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.  Luke 1:39 


May is the month when the Universal Catholic Church celebrates Mary as its most significant female figure. I’m not sure whether the date for Mother’s Day was chosen to align with this or whether it’s just coincidence, but how lovely for all women to be acknowledged and celebrated alongside Mary. 

As a Marist school in particular, this month is most significant as we celebrate the role that Mary played as the first disciple of the Church and as a model to all of us, male or female, to act with gentleness, modesty and simplicity. During the month of May we invite all students to pray the Rosary. They can do this in community in the Chapel on Mondays, or privately at home. Instruction sheets to assist in how to pray the Rosary are available in the Chapel, and each Year 7 boy has been gifted a set of Rosary beads.  

At our Mums and Sons liturgy, the young men of Year 7 prayed in thanksgiving for their Mums as models of God’s unconditional love for us. They recognised that the role of a Mother reflects the role that God plays in their lives.  

As Year 12 approach settle into Term 2 and prepare for their final Term before Graduation, the liturgy was an opportunity for them to show their appreciation to their mothers, or carers, for responding to God’s call in a positive way like Mary did.  


On Sunday, you might like to share these prayers with your families: 

Mums: Thank You Lord for the gift of my Son. Thank You for bringing him into my life and allowing me to be his mother. Please watch over him and keep him safe from harm. Fill his life with your blessings of grace so that he may always rest in You. And always and ever, God, may you rest in him. 

All: Amen. 

Sons: O loving God, 

Bless my mother. Thank you for placing her in my life, and for the blessing she is to me and my family. Thank you for the godly wisdom that she has instilled in me. May she know the gratefulness I have in my heart for her care and influence in my life. Please continue to bless her so that, like our Good Mother Mary, she may remain ever faithful as mother and woman. 

All: Amen. 

Motherhood is a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is...and to forgive yourself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong. 


Donna Ball 

Staff Professional Learning

Ms Judith Tolomeo - Director of Teaching & Learning

Staff Professional Learning has and continues to be a strategic focus area for the College. All staff were engaged in the College Professional Learning Day on Monday 29th April. Sessions throughout the day included Curriculum, Teaching and Learning as well as Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing. 

Professional Learning opportunities for teachers is important for the following reasons:

  1. Improving Teaching Practices: Professional learning helps teachers stay updated with the latest teaching methods, technologies, and pedagogical approaches. This enables them to improve their teaching practices and enhance student learning outcomes.
  2. Meeting Curriculum Standards: Professional learning ensures that teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively implement Curriculum and meet the standards set by education authorities.
  3. Addressing Diverse Student Needs: Australia has a diverse student population with varying learning needs. Professional learning helps teachers develop strategies to support diverse learners, including those with disabilities, from different cultural backgrounds, and with varying levels of ability.
  4. Enhancing Wellbeing and Resilience: Teaching can be a demanding profession, and professional learning can help teachers develop strategies to enhance their own wellbeing and resilience, which in turn can positively impact student outcomes.
  5. Staying Engaged and Motivated: Professional learning opportunities can help teachers stay engaged and motivated in their profession by providing them with new challenges and opportunities for growth.
  6. Building Professional Networks: Professional learning events such as conferences and workshops provide teachers with opportunities to build professional networks, share best practices, and collaborate with colleagues, which can enhance their effectiveness as educators.

The College recognises the importance of professional networks, and hence has recently subscribed to the IBSC – International Boys’ School Coalition. The IBSC is dedicated to the education and development of all students at boy’s schools across the world, the professional growth of those who work with them, and the advocacy and the advancement of institutions that serve them. The IBSC’s vision is to be the leading voice worldwide in best education practices for boys. 

There are currently over 300 schools from more than 20 countries and 5 continents. The IBSC members include day and boarding schools, primary and secondary schools, denominational and nondenominational schools, independent and state schools, and education professionals.

The IBSC connects dedicated educators and promotes the sharing of ideas to improve teaching and learning methods and augment the professional development of teachers. The IBSC offers programs, conferences, and groundbreaking research studies that encourage a shared passion and expertise for educating boys. Striving to advance boys’ education, the IBSC shares global knowledge, trends, and research aimed at unlocking the potential of every student. 


Staff have already started to engage with professional learning opportunities available through the IBSC network and we are certainly excited about the potential for future networking and professional development opportunities for all staff. 


Ms Judith Tolomeo

Director of Teaching and Learning

News, Events and Policies

Mr Baldino Vetrano - Director of Students

Dear College community,

As we begin a new term, I would like to welcome everybody back. As the colder months arrive our students did return to the College looking well presented in their blazers and winter uniforms. 

Term 1 was long and drawn out due to our Easter break which extended the term. However, Term 2 will be very different. The 9-week term will see many activities and events taking place.  This week we celebrate Mother’s Day with our Mum’s and Son’s liturgy on Friday. Over the term we will have the opportunity for staff, students, and parents to meet during Parent/teacher interviews in week 4.

Following this we will have Year 7-10 half yearly exams to complete in week 5, this will focus our direction into the back end of term 2. While the term is moving along students will be also involved in many sporting opportunities in Rugby, Football and League.   

2024 Macarther Student Leaders Forum

Late last term our student leaders were invited to a leadership forum at Western Sydney University. The forum was organised and presented by Dr Freelander MP Federal Member for Macarthur and The Hon. Jason Clare MP, Federal Minister for Education. A large number of schools in the Macarther district attended the forum.

Our students had the opportunity to ask the minister questions about their future in the opportunity to raise awareness to current systemic issues in young people at present.

The forum acknowledged the importance of quality education for young people.  Students also addressed their concerns for higher education support, high HECS depts and mental health / wellbeing support in the local community which seems to be lacking.


College Hair Policy Update

At the end of Term 1, the College announced that we would be updating our Hair and Grooming Policy. The College expects all students to have a neat and tidy hairstyle that does not bring comment. Hairstyles like mullets, fades, undercuts and lines are not permitted, while we expect students to have a neat evenly bended haircut. 

Click here for the policy.

College Merit System

Congratulations to the following students in Year 7- 12 who are leading the College merit system at the end of term 1.

  1. Lucas ROTA Yr 7  83 points 
  2. Drew MASON Yr 8 59 points
  3. Marshall ANDERSON Yr 9 50 points
  4. William BARAGRY Yr 10 50 points
  5. Domenico COCO Yr 11 69 points 
  6. Joshua GILLARD Yr 12 42 points


P.A.R.T.Y Program 2024 @ Liverpool Hospital 


What is the P.A.R.T.Y. Program? 

The P.A.R.T.Y. Program is a dynamic, interactive injury prevention and health promotion Program designed for senior high school students. It stands for Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth. 

What is the aim of the Program? 

The P.A.R.T.Y. Program aims to show you the possible consequences that can and do happen to people who make risky choices. We would like to help you to recognise risk and make informed choices about your activities and behaviour in the future. 

What happens at the hospital? 

If you are given permission to attend the P.A.R.T.Y. Program, you will spend a full day with various trauma services at Liverpool Hospital. You will meet the people that care for trauma patients - paramedics, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and volunteers. 

Through PowerPoint presentations, interviews with patients and family members and simulated clinical scenarios, you will be exposed to the painful journey of a trauma patient. You will learn about trauma injuries and have hands-on experience with some of the equipment used in trauma care and rehabilitation.

In Term 3 week 1, students in Years 11 and 12 will have the opportunity to attend the program. The lucky 25 students who attend will experience a day at Liverpool hospital like never before. The team at the Liverpool trauma unit do an amazing job when seriously injured young people arrive for urgent care and attention due to risk taking behaviour.

Mr Baldino Vetrano

Director of Students



Senior Studies News

Ric Bombardiere - Director of Studies

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday 16 May - Year 12 Reports Published
  • Wednesday 21 May - Careers and Jobs Expo. 3.00pm - 6.00pm (Year 10 – 12)
  • Friday 24 May - Parent Teacher Student Interviews (9.00am - 7.00pm)
  • Sunday 26 May - Parent Teacher Student Interviews (9.00am - 12.30pm)
  • Monday 27 May - Year 7 – 10 Exams begin
  • Monday 27 May - Year 11 Vet Work Placements begin
  • Friday 31 May - Year 12 Semester 1 Academic Awards (9.00am)
  • Monday 24 June  - HSC Minimum Standards Catch-up tests
  • Friday 28 June - Year 7 – 10 Reports Published


HSC Minimum Standards

Congratulations to Year 10 students who completed the first round of HSC Minimum Standards. 

Many of our students passed all their tests during this first round and all our students passed the Reading task which is an outstanding achievement. Students can access their results via the email sent to them from NESA and on NESA Students Online. 

Mr. Duggan and his team will work with students who have not yet passed their tests and students in Year 10 and 11 who have not yet passed tests will have another opportunity on Monday 24 June.


HSC Trials and HSC Examinations

Year 12 students received their HSC Trial Examination timetables last week. These were also emailed to parents and carers in addition to a document outlining ways in which our students can prepare for their examinations. A copy of the timetable has also been placed on the Sentral Portal for easy access.

Students can access their personalised HSC Written Examination timetables on NESA Students Online and speaking/performance HSC timelines will be announced in the coming weeks. 


Parent Teacher Student Interviews

We encourage all parents, carers and students to attend the upcoming Parent Teacher Student Interviews. It is a College expectation that all Year 12 students enroll for their final interviews with each of their teachers. 

Parents and carers will be emailed instructions on how to enroll for interviews. 


Year 7 – 10 Examinations

On Monday 27 May, Semester 1 Examinations will commence for Year 7 – 10 students.  Parents, Carers and Students have already been emailed a copy of their exam timetable and instructions. These documents are also available on Sentral Portal.

If a student will be absent from an examination, please email the Academic Care Leader to notify them (Mrs. Newell – Year 7 & 8, Mr. Duggan – Year 9 & 10). If your son is in Year 7 – 9, and misses a task due to illness or misadventure, please also email the Academic Care Leader a medical certificate (or other evidence in the case of misadventure). If a student in Year 10 misses a task due to illness or misadventure, please email Mr. Bombardiere a Student Assessment Form and evidence ( ). This documentation will need to be presented as soon as possible and before the first Monday after the exam period. Please be aware that there will not be a formal opportunity for students to complete the task on another day although some teachers may use a subsequent time for students to complete some or all of the task. If the reason for absence does not qualify as illness or misadventure (for instance, a family holiday), the task will not be used to calculate the student’s grade, but it may affect their Report assessment mark.


Academic Care 

During Academic Care sessions, the Academic Care leaders have continued to help students to develop their study habits and exam preparation skills. Students have also worked on identifying and developing their Character Strengths. Students have engaged in GROWTH Conversations and Self-efficacy activities and developed their understanding of the 5 R’s.


Homework Club and Mathematics Study

Homework Club and Mathematics Study are two of the fantastic out-of-school opportunities that the College offers students. 

Homework Club is open every Monday afternoon from 3.15 - 4.15pm in the Marian Centre. During this time, students can complete homework and prepare for assessments in the supervised and friendly atmosphere of the Marian Centre. Homework Club is facilitated by the Academic Care Team and different KLA staff are available each week to help students. 

Year 11 and 12 students have their own study area and there will be specific activities designed to assist our senior students in preparing for their HSC. Our Inclusive Education team will also be on hand to provide Year 7 – 10 students with assistance.

We would encourage all families, but particularly our Seniors, and our Year 7 students, to come and be a part of Homework Club.

Each Wednesday, the Mathematics staff also offer Mathematics Study from 3.15 - 4.15pm. Again, this is a wonderful opportunity for our boys to receive that extra little bit of assistance that will help them understand and excel in Mathematics. 

Study Skills Tip

Boarding News

Luke Morrissey - Director of Boarding

Dear Parents and Friends,

I write this article to you from Dubbo, as I commence the 2024 Boarding Expo Program across New South Wales.  I am excited for our ‘Past, Present, and Future Families’ dinner tonight, and those that are coming up over the next few months. Our families are our best marketing tool, so if you do know of any families with young men looking at Boarding Schools, please pass on my details or call me to discuss, and I am happy to speak to anyone our families recommend. 

A reminder that we will be at the following events in 2024:




9 May to 11 May

Dubbo Boarding Expo

Commercial Hotel – 10 May – 7:00pm

21 June to 22 June

Wagga Boarding Expo


26 July to 27 July

Tamworth Expo


12 July to 13 July

Mudgee Field Days


10 August

Western Families Dinner (after Rugby at Stannies)


11 August

Mudgee Dinner



We will also be hosting dinners in Cootamundra, Crookwell, Perth, and Newcastle – Dates to be confirmed.



Over the holiday break, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to undertake a pilgrimage within the Marist network. With 26 other Marist Leaders from across Australia, we followed the path of the second journey of St Paul when he brought Christianity to Europe. From Greece, to Turkey, Rome, and France, it was a truly unforgettable three weeks. I had the opportunity to meet some amazing people, travel to the General House in Rome where Marist Education is overseen, attend the Papal Audience, and spend time in France where the Marist brothers were founded. The biggest affirmation from the experience was the amazing network of people across the globe that are part of the Marist network. It is a truly wonderful organisation that your sons are being educated within, and one that I am proud to be a graduate of and working in now. I will be speaking to your sons at length about the experiences and learning from the pilgrimage in the coming weeks. 



In Week 3 we will celebrate everything that is great about boarding with National Boarding Week. This will be celebrated by the 25,000 boarding students across Australia. We have lots of fun activities planned and look forward to the week. 



Congratulations to Lachlan Vella (Cronulla) for being selected in the Australian Schoolboys Baseball team. Lachlan competed for NSW in the recent Australian Schools Championships. NSW won the championships, and Lachlan was selected in the Australian team due to his outstanding success in the tournament. Congratulations Lachlan. A fantastic achievement for a wonderful young man, who works exceptionally hard. 


Our annual family weekend is fast approaching. Can I please ask all families to RSVP to the event to assist us with catering. We are playing Trinity Grammar School. An email with the weekend’s schedule, as well as a survey to RSVP to all the events has been sent. I will confirm fixtures and timing in the coming week.

The marquee will again be in full swing and The Runciman, Ryman, and Khan families have volunteered to cook our spit roast lunch. Morning tea will be available. 

Can I please remind families that all students are expected to be in attendance at the 1st XV fixture.

The Boarders' Mass will commence at 6:30pm. All students are expected to be in attendance at this mass in full winter uniform. 

The cocktail function and sibling dinner will commence at the conclusion of Mass. 


After family weekend we will head into a busy assessment period, as subjects start to have their first assessments due for the year.  Years 7 to 10 have an exam week in Week 5. This can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety, particularly amongst our new students. Please ensure you reach out if you are worried about your son at this time. We have lots of options to provide assistance and support to your son at these busy and often stressful times. 


Ad Jesus Per Mariam

Mr Luke Morrissey

First Nations News and Events

Inaugural Boarders First Nations Cultural Camp

Our First Nations boarders cultural camp was hosted by Old Boy Jonothan Wright, former NRL player and owner of Dhinewan Mentoring. The Camp was a opportunity for the boys to not only engage and learn culture, but to also build their leadership skills as well as deepen their understanding of First Nations culture. The day included the boys connecting to Country, grounding themselves and helping them to build out further their understanding of what Country means to them. 

The boys then built upon their knowledge of traditional artifacts and how they represent a connection to Country for the boys and how they manage to remain connected to Country whilst being away from home.

The end of the day allowed for the boys to learn dance, all performed in the Wiritjiribin Garden before our senior First nations leadership group thanked Jonothan and the team from Dhinewan Mentoring for their sharing of knowledge and the day’s activities.



Harmony Week First Nations Unity dance 

As part of this years Harmony week celebrations our First Nations boys were given the opportunity to both learn more about the Unity dance through the Thursday night presentation of the documentary Araatika – Rise up. The boys who attended the nights presentation and built on their understanding of the dance and how it is aimed at uniting all Australians and is an offer for all Australians to participate in. 

At the Harmony day assembly, a group of nearly 40 First Nations students then presented the dance for the gathering, as well as an open invitation for all who wish to learn more about the dance to join in partnership with the First Nations program and complete a workshop with them.



Junior school First Nations mentoring

The Junior school was visited for the first time by some of our First Nations mentors from year 7 this year. With the number of First Nations student across the Junior school tripling this year, our Year 7 Mentors begun the session with an introduction and sharing a little about themselves. It was great to see our Junior School students then share a little about themselves and some interesting facts about them where they are from also. Our Mentors then shared a reading to the group, with some of our older Junior school students stepping up and also taking turns at reading to the large group.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Just a friendly reminder that Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will be taking place on 24th and 26th May, in the Br Luke Hall.

Please keep an eye out for further details.

Vince Hurley - Old Boy

Vince Hurley attended St Gregory's College as a boarder from 1978 – 1980, when he completed the HSC. He went into the NSW Police Force in 1981, and left 30 years later having and worked general duties (street uniform policing) at Mt.Druitt, Blacktown, St.Marys and Penrith. He was a Detective at Mount Druitt and Penrith LAC's, investigating local serious crime. He then moved into an organised crime squad investigating child abuse; both sexual and physical which led to his passion on issues of violence to women and girls.

He was then transferred to a drug unit, investigating cocaine importation into Australia & trafficking within Australia. He was a police hostage negotiator going to armed sieges and doing suicide intervention. He was seconded to the NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet and had the opportunity to once again pick on up gender based violence against women and girls. He developed domestic violence policy for how NSW Police could better reduce domestic and family violence. For his work he was recognised by Australian Institute of Criminology and given a national award for reducing domestic violence in Parliament House Canberra by the then Federal Attorney General.

In 2013 he left the police and took up a lecturing job in the Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University. With his 30 years policing experience and having a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Criminology he now lectures in the Foundations of Criminology Theory and Practice, Policing and Crime, Strategic geo-political policing and Crisis Management and Disaster Relief. 


Vince recently appeared on the ABC Program Q&A, Monday 29 April on Gender-based Violence, Freedom of Speech & Faith as an invited studio guest. Here he called out State and Federal Government ministers on their lack of action over the domestic and family violence and deaths of women. His exchange with the politicians went viral across Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, mainstream electronic and media outlets amassing over 18 million views. 


He said after the interview was over that “my passion for social justice for women is driven by the pastoral care I  experienced as a student and border at St. Gregs. The schools Christian philosophy of compassion and understand to people in all walks of life particularly those who were not as fortunate as me attending such a wonderful school like Gregs still has a massive impact on how I live my life and for this, I am enterally grateful”.


Old Boy Reunions!

Vintage Luncheon RSVP Required!

"May the Fourth" - Star Wars Day

On May 4th, we celebrated Star Wars. Even our youngest readers LOVE Star Wars, and our collection is ALWAYS on loan even though it has been 47 years since the first movie came out. Many of our most reluctant readers are ‘coaxed’ into literacy by tales from a galaxy far, far away.


This year we celebrated by pretending to be Jedi, completing dot-to-dot puzzles and making a giant collage together.

May the force be with you all!

Sport Results and News

Mark Taylor Shield 

Despite the loss against St Clare’s Narellan Vale, the Mark Taylor Cricket Team's resilience and sportsmanship are worth celebrating. Their dedication, a true reflection of sportsmanship, inspires us all. The future of cricket in our junior school is promising, shining with talent and enthusiasm. We are grateful for the unwavering support from our community, which fuels the team's determination. We look forward to 2025, where we will build upon what we have learned this year.

Mr Hayes- Coach


Wollongong Diocesan and Mackillop Trials

Well done to all the students who attended the Wollongong Diocesan Sporting Trials over the past few weeks.  

Congratulations to the following students for their selection in the following representative teams:

• Thomas Henry- Wollongong Swimming Team 

• Gabriel Yousseph- MacKillop Boys Hockey Team

• Olivia Sheedy- Wollongong Netball Team 

• Jake Stephens – Wollongong U/11’s Rugby League and Rugby Union Team.


Junior School Annual Cross Country Carnival

On Wednesday, 27 March, 2024, we hosted our Junior School Cross Country event here at the College, and it was a resounding success! The weather couldn't have been better, providing ideal conditions for all participants to showcase their running prowess.

From Kindergarten to 2nd grade, our youngest athletes tackled a spirited 500-meter course while our 11 and 12-year-olds pushed themselves through a challenging 3 km run. Meanwhile, our 8, 9, and 10-year-olds covered a commendable 2 kilometres, demonstrating their determination and endurance.

Thank you to Mrs Buckley, our dedicated parent volunteers, staff members, and our hardworking maintenance team, whose efforts were instrumental in ensuring the smooth running of the carnival. 

I'm thrilled to announce that Laurentian emerged as the champion house, showcasing exceptional teamwork, determination, and skill throughout the event. Congratulations to all members of the Laurentian House for their outstanding performance!

Finally, a special congratulations goes out to those students who were placed in their respective categories.

12 Years Boys

1. Kye Harding 

2. Joshua Suffell

3. Samuel Brown


12 Years Girls 

1. Audrey Oldfield

2. Addison Day

3. Olivia Sheedy 


11 Years Boys 

1. Darcy Marsden

2. Zac Bruce

3. Marley Jensen


11 Years Girls 

1. Mia Stevens

2. Georgie Wilson 

3. Indiana Vaccaro


10 Years Boys

1. Willaim Simpson 

2. Patrick O’Neill

3. Noah Jardine 


10 Years Girls 

1. Nneka Fashoyin

2. Annabelle Benad

3. Alessia Siracusa


8/9 Years Boys

1. Beau Stephens

2. Nicholas Galluzzo

3. Hunter Stewart


8/9 Years Girls 

1. Emilia Simone

2. Olivia Gordon

3. Madison Mahony


Year 2 Boys 

1. Timothy Fuser

2. Madden Day

3. Billy Benad 


Year 2 Girls 

1. Anika Capito

2. Xara Pasqualin 

3. Ilaria Canceri 


Year 1 Boys 

1. Christian Galluzzo

2. Lucas Hartney

3. Arlo Galea 


Year 1 Girls

1. Indiana Nori

2. Delaney O’Brien 

3. Rylee Solylo


Kindergarten Boys

1. Ayden Lord

2. Santino Sindoni

3. Arthur Oldfield 


Kindergarten Girls

1. Sofia Herrera 

2. Ella Salvaterra 

3. Elsie Wilson 


Independent Primary Schools Sporting Organisation 

IPSSO Results, Week 9

On Wednesday, 27 March 2024, our teams competed against Mount Annan Christian College.


Junior Basketball 

Score SGC  23 - 2 MACC


Special Mention

• Harry Fuser and Nathanael Hallaby for always being ready to attack or defend

• Tiana Eva for impressive attacking skills

• Benjamin Devlin for impressive offensive skills


Junior Oz Tag 

Score SGC 14  - 4 MACC 


Special Mention

• Beau Stephens for putting his body on the line time and again in both attack and defence

• William Simpson for some strong attacking runs and setting up several tries  

• Patrick O’Neill for a strong game in both attack and defence



Junior Cricket

Score 0/111 - 2/52 (win) SGC  -  MACC  


Special Mention

• Harvey Monty for his exceptional bowling talents 

• William Ashton for hitting two sixes in his first time batting since his injury.

• Lucas Hayes for his heavy hitting with the bat. 



Junior Girls Soccer 

Score SGC 2 - 3 MACC 


Special Mention

• Alessiia Siracusa scored two goals for the team 

• Thank you to the girls for not giving up and giving their all throughout the game.



Senior Basketball 

Score SGC  50- 10 MACC 


Special Mention

• Thomas Foley for his quick decisions and attack

• Audrey Oldfield for her relentless defence and attack.

• Evie Simpson for her consistent pressure on the opposition.


Senior Oz Tag 

Score SGC 17 - 5 MACC 


Special Mention

• Taylah Kenney and Lila Richards had two tries each and set one another up for all of them

• Jake Stephens and Noah Jardine for leading the defensive line tirelessly the whole game



Senior Cricket

Score SGC  0/53 -  MACC 4/32


Special Mention

• Jackson Lane with outstanding batting bowling after a last minute call up

• Bryce Kroll, our captain, with improved bowling each week

• Harry Putland with a wicket in bowling and a classic catch in the field this week.


Senior Girls Soccer 

Score SGC 0 - 3 MACC


Special Mention

• Sienna Austin for her perseverance and on-field leadership

• Kiera Howe- her skills in setting up great opportunities to score



IPSSO Results Week 10

On Wednesday, 3 April 2024, our teams had a bye.


IPSSO Results Week 11

On Wednesday, 10 April 2024, our teams competed against Wollondilly Anglican College.


Junior Basketball 

Score SGC  27 - 0 WAC 


Special Mention

• Nash Xerri for some excellent baskets made under pressure 

• Tiana, Elyse, Clara and Adriana for passing that ball around expertly and with thought

• Elyse and Clara for putting on the pressure in defence!


Junior OzTag 

Score SGC 9 - 8 WAC 


Special Mention

• The team exhibited exceptional teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the game. 


Junior Cricket

Score SGC 1/69  -  WAC 2/45


Special Mention

• Huxley Watson for scoring his first ever 4  

• Marcello Torcaso for scoring the most runs in the team 

• Lucas Hayes for two incredible runouts



Junior Girls Soccer 

Score SGC 3 - 0 WAC


Special Mention

• Jagger Piaud Jones for her impressive performance during the second half of the game.

• Ellie Wafer for her great defensive skills and brilliantly booting the ball out of the goals. 

• Well done to the team for a positive game with great sportsmanship. 



Senior Basketball 

Score SGC 46 -  WAC 4


Special Mention

• The team displayed superior teamwork and commitment for 100% of the game.

• Big scorers, Coby Ornowski and Joshua Suffell

• Netballers by trade, Olivia Sheedy and Evie Simpson, shot some excellent baskets.


Senior OzTag 

Score  SGC 18 - 7 WAC 


Special Mention

• Armando Traino for 3 spectacular tries and going out of his way to get his teammates involved.

• Cara Jones for some awesome straight-line running for a hattrick of her own

• Cleo and Piper Lane for making great tags and communicating in defence. 



Senior Cricket

Score SGC 1/49  -  WAC 4/33 


Special Mention

• Reuben Tucker- excellent bowling in his overs this week

• James Dash - superb bowling and batting this week, with a few boundaries.

• Gabriel Yousseph - wicket keeping all term with great skill and dedication.


Senior Girls Soccer 

Score SGC 4 - 1 WAC 


Special Mention

• Indiana Vaccaro made a fantastic comeback after being off from injury. It's great to have you back on the team.

• Mabel Carr for getting the ball up the field and her excellent attacking skills. 

• Well done to the team for a positive game with great sportsmanship shown.


Congratulations to the following students on their selection for our Winter IPSSO Teams.

Junior AFL 

  • Harper Clark
  • Nicholas Galluzzo
  • Adriana Grados
  • Hunter Stewart
  • Tiana Eva
  • Nneka Fashoyin
  • Lucas Hayes
  • Jayk Jedryhowski
  • Jacob Meyers
  • Patrick O'Neill
  • Summer Quinn
  • Clara Romeo
  • Alessia Siracusa
  • Beau Stephens


Junior Boys Soccer 

  • Lincoln Barry
  • Noah Cameron
  • Henley Pereira
  • Benjamin Devlin
  • Harrison Fuser
  • Jude Lane
  • Austin Miller
  • Benjamin Mumford
  • Harrison Oldfield
  • Ethan Patterson
  • Harrison Sacca
  • William Simpson
  • Marcello Torcaso


Junior Netball

  • Seanna Males
  • Zarah Rossi
  • Natalia Cosoleto
  • Sofiya Hegarty
  • Stella Jensen
  • Chloe Jones
  • Francesca Mandarano
  • Ella Morrison
  • Sophia Murialdo
  • Harper Stassen


Newcombe Ball 

  • Lachlan Furness
  • Samira Pereira
  • Arliyah Piaud
  • Abigail Delaney
  • Ben Donelan
  • Xavier Foley
  • Lucia Gajda
  • Chelsea Hodson
  • Harvey Monte
  • Oliver Moore
  • Alexander Sheedy
  • Amelie Vella


Senior AFL 

  • Hunter Clark
  • Noah Jardine
  • Patrick Males
  • Jake Stephens
  • Georgie Wilson
  • Jacob Gordon
  • Emma Gotts
  • Stella Herbert
  • Marley Jensen
  • Taylah Kenney
  • Audrey Oldfield
  • Olivia Sheedy
  • Evie Simpson
  • Armando Traino
  • Indiana Vaccaro


Senior Boys Soccer

  • James Dash
  • Mason Navratil
  • Ryan Reynolds
  • Joshua Vella
  • Samuel Brown
  • Ryan Delaney
  • Thomas Foley
  • Kye Harding
  • Jackson Lane
  • William Mumford
  • Eli Piaud
  • Joshua Suffell
  • Michelangelo Torcaso
  • Zane Wagstaff
  • Gabriel Yousseph

Senior Netball 

  • Cleo Lane
  • Jessica Ruksens
  • Mia Stevens
  • Ivy Bushby
  • Addison Day
  • Kiera Howe
  • Cara Jones
  • Piper Lane
  • Georgia Murialdo
  • Lila Richards



  • Charlotte Avendano
  • Emilia Balan
  • Riley Byrne
  • Taylor Masterson
  • Siena Austin
  • Marcus Caprar
  • Polly McGovern
  • Sean O'Neill
  • Coby Ornowski
  • Jett Piaud-Johns
  • Lilijana Risteski
  • Charlie Underwood


Mr Darryl Howe 

PDHPE Teacher/Sports Coordinator





A Spooky Soiree

Eat, drink and be spooky!

It is time to get your dancing shoes on for a frightfully fun night at the annual Maroon and Blue Parents Dinner. This year's theme is – SPOOKY SOIREE. 

The purpose of the event is to bring the College community together (staff, parents, past parents and friends) for a fun evening of themed canapes, dinner, dessert, drinks & an opportunity to dance up a storm. Whilst it isn't a necessity to come dressed as a witch or skeleton, we encourage a sense of fun with your cocktail dress and a spooky flair, if you dare!

Early bird tickets close on 28 June, the end of Term 2 so GET YOUR TICKET NOW! We have limited ticket availability, and the event is sure to sell out! You can purchase tables of 8,10 or 12, or you can purchase individual seats. If you do not know anyone, purchase individual tickets, and we will seat you with people from your year group. If you want to sit with certain families, please mention their name when you are booking.


  • 6:30pm - Saturday 14 September (Week 8, Term 3)
  • Dress: Cocktail with spooky flair
  • Early bird Tickets $65pp (Non early bird $80 after 28/6/23)
  • Get your tickets here
  • Spooky Themed Canapes, Italian dinner, and dessert along with a complimentary drink on arrival. Additional alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase throughout the night.

We look forward to a wickedly good time at our Spooky Soiree!

Lunch on the Lawn