College Newsletter | Term 2 - Week 2 | 5 May 2023

Welcome to Term 2

Mr Matthew Brennan - College Principal (K-12)

Dear members of the St Greg’s family,

Welcome to Term 2! I trust that the Easter break was one of important family time and a chance to recharge. As the most important time in the church’s calendar, I hope you also had a chance to reflect on the power of prayer and how fortunate we are to be in a faith filled community.

There were three main events that occurred over the break for our young people. Senior students had a chance to travel overseas to New Zealand for Rugby League and Rugby Union and whilst another group headed to Germany on a Modern History Study Tour. Many thanks to Dr Gersbach, Mr Nelson, Miss Keith and Mr Limbrey who accompanied the group to Germany and to Mr Morrissey, Mr Halaifonua, Mr Morrison and Mr Malaesilia who travelled to New Zealand. 

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Term 2 is underway!

Mr Joel Weekes - Assistant Principal

Dear Members of the St Gregory’s Family, 


Well, we are off and running for Term 2 and there is so much to be grateful for with our new term upon us. The students across the K-12 College have started strongly and with them has come energy, life and vibrancy. I must say that the College is positively charged and optimistic for a great term ahead!

New Staff for Term 2 

We have three new staff that join us for Term 2;

  • Mrs Cheryl Gajda – Mrs Gajda will be joining us until the end of 2023 in the Science Department. She will be covering Mrs Kaitlyn Skuse who is taking Maternity Leave for the remainder of 2023 after recently giving birth to a beautiful little girl. We welcome Mrs Gajda to the Senior School and know that she will enjoy her time with the young gentlemen of our College. 
  • Mr Cameron Walgers – Mr Walgers started with the College during the recent school holidays as our new ICT AV Technician. A large part of this role is working with teachers to ensure that all classroom AV equipment is working and to lead the IT requirements at College events. We warmly welcome Mr Walgers.
  • Mr Andrew Todd – Mr Todd will be also joining the Science Department in Week 5 this term. He will be joining us after the retirement of Mr Malcom Stokes. Mr Todd is currently the Head of Science at Mount Annan Christian College. We look forward to working with Mr Todd later this term.
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Welcome to Term 2

Mrs Diana Ivancic - Head of Junior School

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Welcome to Term 2! As you are aware, I had the privilege of joining a group of 30 fellow Marists on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Rome and France over the past 3 weeks. It was a Holy journey to the heart of our Christian and Marist Story.

This visit to the Holy Land, opened my eyes to a new way of seeing. It provided me with opportunities to see life and history with the eyes of faith. It moved me in ways I cannot explain. 

It was almost unbelievable to visit the places where Jesus had lived. As I walked along the roads Jesus and his disciples walked and encountered places that Jesus had encountered, I learned that Jesus came to teach us “a way”. We learn as we walk with Jesus.

During the Pilgrimage we visited the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus gave more than half his parables and performed most of his miracles. We visited the Church of the Nativity, spent time in prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane and had Mass at the Tomb of Jesus.

The Pilgrimage ended in France, where St Marcellin Champagnat discovered the gospel and wanted to share it with others. We engaged in further study about the extraordinary man that Marcellin was, his life and mission. Br Michael Green outlined that “we live a new relationship between Brothers and Lay people…searching for a greater vitality of the Marist Charism for our world.”

All are welcome and everyone has a place around the table. The Marist Project is to bring to life the Gospels of Jesus Christ through the minds and hearts of the children we celebrate; to help them know Christ.

Br Green went on to say that “we have not come here to find Marcellin; we have come here to find what Marcellin found.” That is, to know and to love Jesus Christ. 

This is still our mission. To make Jesus known and loved through our daily encounters as a Marist community. We are blessed to have these opportunities every day.

God Bless,

Diana Ivancic

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Mrs Cathie Clarke - Director of Mission

During the holidays, staff and students appropriately gathered with Australians and New Zealanders all over the world in prayer and thanksgiving to remember the men and women who served in the battles of Gallipoli, and in all campaigns to protect our land and our lifestyle. Anzac Day always occurs close to Easter and one cannot help but notice the Easter symbolism which permeates all of Anzac Day. At the centre of Easter is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we are encouraged to see beyond death to the glory which follows. As we look back on the death and destruction of war, we also look forward to a time of hope and community. 

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Know your students – a differentiated approach to Learning

Ms Judith Tolomeo - Director of Teaching & Learning

The College’s Strategic Focus for Teaching and Learning in 2023 is “Know your students – a differentiated approach to Learning”. The staff Professional Learning Day on Monday 24th April was designed to address and reflect this focus area. The first session encompassed two main focus areas. The first being the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Learning at St Greg’s,  where the staff were presented with an informative session that looked at generative AI, in particular, ChatGPT. Discussion points such as what is generative AI, what are the positives, what are the potential pitfalls, and most importantly, how do we move forward as a School Community. Survey results show that more than 50% of college students are using AI platforms, and this was for educational purposes on a regular basis.

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Expectations and Pastoral Care in the Senior School

Mr Baldino Vetrano - Director of Students

Dear College Community,

As we begin this term, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our returning students and those who are just starting with us. We are excited to have you all back in the classroom, and we are looking forward to a productive and successful term.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all students of the expectations we need to uphold. We expect all students to arrive at school on time, dressed in appropriate school attire, and with all the necessary materials for each class. We also expect our students to show respect to their peers, teachers and the school environment at all times.

In addition, we want our students to start the term off on the right foot. We understand that starting a new term can be challenging, but we encourage all of our students to set goals for themselves and to work towards achieving them. This is a great time to develop new study habits, to take on new challenges, and to work towards achieving academic excellence.

We are confident that this will be a fantastic term for all of our students, and we look forward to seeing them all thrive and achieve their goals. Thank you for your continued support of our College, and I wish you all the best for the coming term.

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Homework Club and HSC News

Ric Bombardiere - Director of Studies

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday 10 May - Careers and Jobs Expo
  • Friday 12 May - Year 12 Reports Published
  • Friday 19 May - Parent Teacher Student Interviews
  • Sunday 21 May - Parent Teacher Student Interviews
  • Monday 22 May - Year 11 Work Placement for VET Courses begins
  • Friday 26 May - Year 12 Academic Awards
  • Monday 29 May - Year 7 – 10 Exams Begin
  • Wednesday 21 June - HSC Minimum Standards Catch-up sessions begin
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Boarding News

Luke Morrissey - Director of Boarding

Dear Parents and Friends,

I write this article to you in Dubbo as I commence the 2023 boarding expos across New South Wales.  I am excited for our ‘Past, Present, and Future Families’ dinner tonight and those that are coming up over the next few months. Our families are our best marketing tool, so if you do know of any families with young men looking at Boarding Schools, please pass on my details or call me to discuss, and I am happy to speak to anyone our families recommend.  


A reminder that we will be at the following events in 2023:

  • 5 and 6 May - Dubbo Boarding Expo
  • 24 May and 25 May-Griffith Boarding Expo Dinner: “La Scala” – 24 May – 7:00pm
  • 26 May and 27 May-Wagga Boarding Expo
  • 20 July to 22 July-Narrabri Expo
  • 7 July and 8 July-Mudgee Field Days
  • 22 August to 24 August-Agquip

We will also be hosting dinners in Cootamundra and Newcastle – Dates to be confirmed.

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2023 New Zealand Rugby Tour

On Easter Sunday, 32 young men and 4 staff set off from Sydney Airport to New Zealand’s South Island for a unique Rugby League and Rugby Union Tour, the first of its kind in the history of St Gregory’s College. With two league and two union fixtures across 8 days, it promised to be an exciting and memorable experience for all. 


We arrived in Christchurch and settled into our accommodation at the Bealey Quarter in the heart of Christchurch. The boys immediately downloaded scooter apps and could be seen zipping around the hotel and surrounding parklands. An afternoon spent exploring the city, before a team dinner rounded out a long day for the boys. At the dinner, Peter Reardon was voted in as Tour Captain, with Angus Liddle (Union) and Cooper Mangan (League) being our other members of the leadership group.

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2023 New Zealand Rugby Tour

On Easter Sunday, 32 young men and 4 staff set off from Sydney Airport to New Zealand’s South Island for a unique Rugby League and Rugby Union Tour, the first of its kind in the history of St Gregory’s College. With two league and two union fixtures across 8 days, it promised to be an exciting and memorable experience for all. 


We arrived in Christchurch and settled into our accommodation at the Bealey Quarter in the heart of Christchurch. The boys immediately downloaded scooter apps and could be seen zipping around the hotel and surrounding parklands. An afternoon spent exploring the city, before a team dinner rounded out a long day for the boys. At the dinner, Peter Reardon was voted in as Tour Captain, with Angus Liddle (Union) and Cooper Mangan (League) being our other members of the leadership group.

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2023 Careers and Jobs Expo

Another fantastic initiative coming out of St Greg's. Next Wednesday 10 May, the College will be hosting a Careers and Jobs expo.

The expo will include over 80 exhibitors including all NSW and regional tertiary institutions, national businesses, local businesses and many industry associations. To bridge the clear employment gap between industry and students, this year 41 of the exhibitors will be providing employment opportunities (causal, cadetships, traineeships and project work) for our students to apply for. Five breakout sessions have been organised for students and parents to attend whilst at the expo which further aim to deliver valuable knowledge, experience and resources. We have organised for food trucks to feed the masses and fun interactive tactile displays to provide entertainment, real life demonstrations and awesome experiences. We’ll be joined by three local schools also. 

2023 Modern History Study Tour to Germany

On Easter Sunday night 30 students from Year 11 and 12 modern history classes, with 4 teachers embarked on a 20-hour journey to Berlin, Germany. The purpose of this trip was to consolidate knowledge that is taught in the Core HSC topic of “Power and Authority in the Modern World”. This topic details the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and their oppressive regime up to the outbreak of World War 2.

 For a wonderful day by day rundown of the tour, please click SHOW MORE....

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Visit from NRL Legend, Dean Widders

In Week 8, Term 1, our First and Second Grade Rugby League teams along with many of our First Nations Students were joined by former NRL player and current NRLW coach Dean Widders.

Mr Widders was informed by Mr Humphries of the work the school had been doing throughout the term and had heard about the workshops held up at the college throughout the Harmony week. Mr Widders wanted to support the connection and cultural knowledge for all through the sharing of his story, both as a former professional Rugby League player and as a current NRL employee and Coach.

After participating in a Q&A all the boys were invited to join Mr Widders and the First Nations students to run through a workshop of the Unity Dance. The Unity dance, as documented in the movie Aaratika – Rise up was developed by the Senior NRL playing group to help towards reconciliation and acknowledgement of Australia’s First Nations culture.

The session saw four groups break out and practice the Unity dance, increasing all boys knowledge as well as building a strong team culture amongst all the groups involved.

There may even be a few talented performers within the ranks Mr Humphries noted.

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews


Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will take place on;

Friday 19th May - 9.00am to 7.00pm

Sunday 22 May - 9.00am to 12.30pm


Further communication will be sent.

Year 10 Adventure Camp

Day one: On Monday 3 April, Year 10 headed off to the beautiful wilderness of Bungonia National Park. Bags were packed and equipment was sorted and as the rolls were taken the heavens opened and we headed off in the rain. Upon arrival groups were spilt up and half the cohort headed off on their overnight hike. The other half of the group set up Base camp and proceeded to move off to their activities, including; Abseiling, Caving and Skirmish games. Unfortunately, at Base Camp the rain, whilst light, hung around for most of the morning impacting the ability for some groups to complete all activities safely. 

As the day went on, the weather gradually improved and both groups started to realise the fact that this camp was quite different to previous ones and the physicality and wilderness were becoming ever more present. As night quickly fell, the boys at Base Camp settled in with dinner and some games, movie and a night adventure; in search for wildlife. The weather was still slightly damp and that coupled with the noise generated by 40 odd young men meant that no exotic wildlife was to be found!

Meanwhile the first group on their overnight hike were trying to set up their fires and camp. Again, the weather made this challenging but after persisting in their attempts, fire and warmth was provided and the stories and conversations began in earnest.

Day two: Base Camp awoke to a heavy fog but soon breakfast and packing for the overnight hike began. Those on their overnight adventure also set up for their return to Base Camp. Day two was the biggest day, filled with lots of walking both into and out of Base Camp. As both groups set themselves for their challenge the camaraderie and laughs were evident in all aspects of the camp. 

As the first group of hikers returned to Base Camp in the late afternoon, it became apparent that the hike was indeed challenging. With some minor injuries and some very sore bodies, many were just pleased to be able to change and have a shower. What also became apparent was that so many of the young men learnt a lot about resilience, teamwork and on several occasions, boys showed the Greg’s spirit. Stepping in to help when needed often without needing to be asked nor expecting to be thanked. It was these moments that epitomised the generous spirit and maturity of such a great group of young men. 

As darkness fell, groups settled into the night activities and with the weather becoming increasingly beneficial, night walks, some night caving and the sharing of stories began all over again. Fires were much easier to light for the groups camping by the river and the thought of the camp ending was starting to come to realisation.


Day Three: Base Camp awoke to again a foggy morning. However very soon the packing up of the camp site became the priority before heading off to complete the activities of abseiling, caving and skirmish games. The overnight hikers were making their way back to Base Camp and the weather really improved to produce quite a warm day. Very soon activities were completed, the hikers had returned. Tired, dirty but pleased within themselves. They too faced a physical challenge but just like the first group stepped up at times of need and showed great courage and perseverance. 


Lunch was called and the final tidy up was completed. Just like that the Year 10 Adventure Camp was finished. Bus rides back to school were rather quiet as many rested weary bodies and chatted about their experiences, exhausted but pleased with their efforts on what was a great experience. 

I would like to thank the teachers who gave up their time so generously; Mr Glenn Duggan, Mr Daniel Goodhew, Mrs Debra Monte, Mrs Tammy Dooner, Mrs Rebecca Burke, Mr Brendan O’Flynn, Mr Nick Kmet, Mr Edward Stefanski, Mrs Lynette Brown, Mrs Leisa Grant, Mr Ian Porteous, Mr Harri Jones and Mr Tyler Davison. 

Lastly it must be publicly acknowledged how very proud I am of all the students who attended the camp. Many were pushed beyond their comfort zone and to show such perseverance, willingness to cooperate and to help those who needed it showcases what St Gregory’s College is all about, with strong minds and gentle hearts, you will reap what you sow.


Mr Kieran Wakeling

Year 10 Leader

Mad Hatters Tea Party

Over 50 of our Year 2-6 students don’t need any encouragement to read - they completed our Autumn Holiday Reading Challenge by reading for at least 15 minutes every day of the recent holidays. These students coloured in a book on their Challenge brochure each day and also provided feedback on some of the books that they read.

Ms Dodson and I had a great time reading through all of the books that students read and got some great ideas for the stories that our students love to read.

To celebrate our amazing readers each of these students was invited to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Wednesday, 3rd May. Besides some delicious fancy treats, students competed to tear a Mintie wrapper into the longest strip - congratulations Choe J - and perform a spell on Ms Dodson using their marshmallow wands. Our favourite spell scanned all the books back automatically and magically put them back on their correct shelf. Although we did also like the magical invisible room in our house full of books and a bean bag and the spell that would take us into any land as we read about it in our book!

Mrs Rachael Cosentino

Premier's Reading Challenge

4B (just) in the lead in the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)

The PRC opened in March this year and we have 41 students from across the grades who have now completed the Challenge by reading 30 (K-2) or 20 (3-6) books from the Challenge list. Congratulations to the following students:

  • Kindergarten - James Behn and Harrison Mumford
  • Year 1 - Addison Marshall-Noney, Xara Pasqualin, Xavier Preval
  • Year 2 - Ayla Cummins, Isaiah Green, Xavier Halkyard, Samira Pereira, Ellie Wafer
  • Year 3 - Benjamin Devlin, Benjamin Mumford, Nathanael Poonattu
  • Year 4 - Malia Behn, Tyler Cummins, Amelia Gillard, Arabella Green, Ava Haddad, Isabella Iuliano, Imogen Mahony, Aliana Montebello, Estelle Paki, Emily Scott-Glassock, Chloe Sewell
  • Year 5 - Mitchell Hayes, Polly McGovern, William Mumford, Audrey Oldfield, Sasha Pereira, Indiana Vaccaro, Gabriel Yousseph, Cara Jones, Kye Harding
  • Year 6 - Viduk Ambegoda, Sofia Corbo, Keira Eagles, Brayden Lunny, Jack Morrison, Dylan Sheil, Ivy Smith, Lachlan Zorbas

The Challenge closes on Friday, 18 August. That’s over 15 weeks away so there is plenty of time to read at least one or two books each week to complete the Challenge. All the details can be found on the PRC website at .

Students can log on and record their books using the Username and Password found in their Diary on Page 3.

So get reading!

Mrs Rachael Cosentino


Kindergarten Buddies

Kindergarten have been enjoying spending time with their Year 6 Buddies. We meet once a fortnight to complete activities together. We have loved getting to know the older students of the Junior School and working as a team to solve problems.


Mrs Robyn Bowen

Year 3 Visit to Senior Science Labs!

On Wednesday 29 March, 56 eager Year 3 students and their teachers made the trek up to the senior school to kick off their new unit of Inquiry – How the world works.

Their provocation was focused on the following inquiry questions:

  • changes that occur when materials are heated and cooled (change) 
  • the effects of contact and non-contact forces on objects (causation)
  • the characteristics and uses of energy (function)

Mrs Monte welcomed the grade into the science lab where they used their senses to make observations about several different demonstrations. From bending water, inflating balloons using a Bunsen burner and flask, ‘magically’ lifting paper pieces with a Perspex wand, stopping an egg from spinning only to have it resume it’s movement and finally observing what happens when you heat a balloon of hydrogen gas -  BOOM!

The excitement in the air was tangible and, each student walked out with their new licence as an “SGC Junior Scientist”

Thanks to the Year 3 staff Mr Kearns and Mrs Morgan for making this happen, it is a special thing when we can join our Campuses to make great things happen.

Term 2 Sports News

Independent Primary Schools Sporting Organisation (IPSSO) 

Winter IPSSO

This week our Winter IPSSO sports selections were finalised. On behalf of our IPSSO Winter coaches, we thank all students who participated in the trials. Congratulations to the following students on their selection:




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2023 College Musical

At 10am today, tickets to the combined College Musical went on sale.

Enjoy the classic story of The Wizard of Oz reimagined by the students at St Patrick's College for Girls Campbelltown and St Gregory's College Campbelltown.

Tickets are limited so book your spot today here.

If you have questions about the musical, please contact the Event Organiser via Try Booking.


Under the Big Top!

The annual Maroon and Blue Parents' Dinner is being hosted on Saturday 22 July 2023. We warmly invite our current and past parents, along with their friends, to roll up, be dazzled, amazed and whisked away for a magical night under the big top at our annual

  • Date: Saturday 22 July 2023
  • Time: 6.30pm - 11.00pm
  • Dress: Cocktail with Circus flair
  • Early Bird Tickets $60pp (purchased before long weekend 12/6/23) or $70pp if purchased after this date
  • Entry includes; themed arrival canapes, dinner and dessert from a scrumptious assortment of food vendors
  • Purchase a Table of 10 or individual tickets
  • Complimentary drink on arrival, with beverages available for purchase (beer, wine, champagne, premixes & soft drink)

To book tickets click here!