College Newsletter | Term 2 - Week 5 | 26 May 2023

Engagement and Community at the College

Mr Matthew Brennan - College Principal (K-12)

Dear members of the St Greg’s family,


Welcome to our latest newsletter. The College has been a busy place in recent weeks with many opportunities for community engagement through Mother’s Day celebrations, Parent Teacher Interviews and our co-curricular program.


The greater engagement of community certainly creates a ‘buzz’ around the College. I have enjoyed my interactions with many of you at liturgies, assemblies, interviews, debating and sport. The common theme has been one of great positivity and anticipation on what the future opportunities will bring. 


I wish to share a few extracts of some recent correspondence from different members of the community. Whilst our media tend to focus on all that this wrong, it is wonderful to see our community in a countercultural space to that.

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Senior School Wrap Up

Mr Joel Weekes - Assistant Principal

Dear Members of the St Gregory’s Family,   

It is amazing to think that we are halfway through Term 2. What a huge start to the term we have had with so many ‘Greg’s’ events!

So, you have had an interview . . . now what?

It was a great feeling to witness so many parents and students engaging in the recent Parent/Teacher Interviews across both campuses. It was a huge two days of interviews for our staff, 9am – 7pm on Friday followed by another 9am-12:30pm shift on Sunday. This is a massive contribution from our teaching staff to positively engage with the community for the mutual benefit of the students that we teach. As I walked around the hall, listening in, engaging with parents, staff and students, I was humbled to see such positive relationships that have formed this year between families and teachers. 

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We are a Community

Mrs Diana Ivancic - Head of Junior School

Over the past two weeks, the Leadership team and I have met with over 80 families, interviewing for Kindergarten positions in 2024. One of the questions we ask all new families is “Why do you want to send your child to St Greg’s?”

Apart from being a Catholic school, the next most frequent answer, is that they want to be part of this community. Current families expressed their connection they experience being part of the community; that they feel welcomed and part of a family. New families spoke of the community feel they experience when visiting the school and of the way others speak about the community, the sense of belonging.

This feeling we speak about is our Family Spirit, the characteristic that is unique to our Marist Community. It was St Marcellin Champagnat who stated that “our schools will have a family spirit.” People become Marist by meeting other people; they have a sense of belonging together. How blessed are we to be part of such a community. 

God Bless,

Mrs Diana Ivancic

Mother's Day

This year, the Junior School changed things up a little and invited our mums to celebrate Mother’s Day with an afternoon tea and liturgy, followed by some time together in the classrooms. The sun was shining, the conversations were flowing, and the hugs were a plenty.

Family Spirit was certainly alive in our Junior School celebrations. It is a privilege to be able to invite our mums into the school and celebrate the special people they are to our children- they are teachers, carers, role models, taxi-drivers, chefs.

Thank you to all our mums who were able to join us for this special celebration. A special thank you to Mrs Michelle Marks for organising the beautiful events and to our parent volunteers, who were coordinated by Mrs Ally Buckley, for being of service on the day.

I’m sure there were many excited children who were keen to share the gifts they purchased at the Mother’s Day stall. This was made possible thanks to Mrs Jana Stevens, Mrs Christine Denford and their parent volunteers, Mrs Carr & Mrs Grima. It’s always delightful to see the students shopping for their mum and nans.


K-12 Connections

Despite being geographically distanced, the connections between K-12 across the College is evident.

During this Semester we have seen great connections between staff and students. Staff from the Senior School are always generous in sharing their expertise with our staff and students.

  • Dr James Gersbach taught Year 6 a history lesson as part of their Unit of Inquiry.
  • Mrs Deb Monte took Year 3 to the Senior science labs to run experiments as part of their Unit of Inquiry.
  • Mr Michael Ivancic organised for a group of Year 6 students to be part of the Podcast Creation Course and Social Media Content Writing course with the Year 10 students.
  • Mr Luke Morrissey brought a group of Boarding students to speak to Year 6 about their experiences as boarders.

We are so fortunate to be part of such a giving community; our students are provided with rich learning opportunities across the College.

St Patrick's Girls visit for Community Service

During Term 2 a group of five St Pat’s girls will visit the school every Tuesday afternoon to be of service to our community. These girls (two who are former students) arrive with big smiles on their faces and ready to help out. During their visit they join the students in the playground at lunch break, assist staff in their classrooms and read with students. It is wonderful for our students to have these wonderful young women as role models in our community and wonderful to have some of our “Old Girls” come back.

Billy Dib

As part of the Year 6 “Who We Are” Unit of Inquiry, the students are inquiring into the question around what type of legacy do they want to leave. We invited two-time boxing champion, Billy Dib to speak with the students about his journey from school, as a student that was bullied, to a champion athlete, who had to work hard and display hard work and perseverance in order to succeed. He spoke to the students about focus and about the importance of working not only for yourself but for those in your ‘team’ (parents, friends, teachers). 

You're Invited - Cyber Safety Night

You are encouraged to attend a parent information evening at the Junior School around parenting the Cyber Child. In a world where the rate of change is never going to be this slow again, it can be challenging to keep up with technology, let alone stay aware of the changes that our children are facing.

This information session will provide parents with:

  • An awareness of the changing landscape of the digital playground
  • An Understanding of the Cyber child
  • Skills to navigate the difficult questions about adult content, nudity, cyberbullying, and the rest
  • Strategies and tools to keep your child safe in the digital world
  • Resources to construct a safer haven for your child when online


There will also be a Q and A session for parents. 

Due to the nature of discussion or questions, we ask that students do not attend the meeting.

The evening will be presented by Don Perna (Coordinator of Information and Communication Technologies).

Date: Wednesday 14 June 2025

Location: Junior School Library

Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm

Mission in the College

Mrs Cathie Clarke - Director of Mission

Happy Mother’s Day!

Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers, held a special devotion to Mary and invites all of us as Marists to act like her, in gentleness, simplicity and humility.  Since Marcellin established his first community, Love of Mary has been an important part of being in a Marist place and so during the month of May, we pay special attention to Mary as the mother of Jesus and as our Good Mother. One way we do this is by praying a decade of the Rosary each Monday. I thank the staff and young men for the respect and reverence as we joined in prayer from our classrooms. 

In our Mums and Sons liturgies we honoured the Mums of Year 7 and Year 12 students, acknowledging them as the ones who give life. We celebrated the love of God and the Holy Spirit which nurtures their love for their sons. 

In the Gospel reading chosen for Year 12, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well. In this reading the Samaritan woman has an encounter with Jesus which is totally unexpected. She is tired and hot as is he. She is a woman and a Samaritan so it is unusual for a Jewish man to speak to her. Yet their conversation is real and life giving. Jesus needs the water from the woman as he is physically thirsty. The woman needs the water that Jesus has to offer to fulfill her spiritual needs. It is a reminder to all women that their role of nurturer and life giver is not easy. It certainly wasn’t easy for Mary as the mother of Jesus or for any woman in Roman times and the Samaritan woman in the story reflects that. Times haven’t changed and the demands for women in our society are just as challenging. We remind the women in our community that they too need the water from the well, time to spend away from the demands of being mothers, partners, sisters, daughters and nurturing their own spirit.

During the liturgy, we prayed a special prayer for our young men of Year 12: 

We pray in gratitude for the privilege of parenting our sons. Thank you for guiding the time I had with him as a child. Soon I will release him as an adult to your care and guidance. I trust that you will fight for him and delight in him. Bless him and keep him and let your light shine upon him. 

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Teaching and Learning in the Senior School - Curriculum Reform

Ms Judith Tolomeo - Director of Teaching & Learning

In an ever-evolving world, education plays a pivotal role in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive. However, traditional educational approaches often fall short in meeting the demands of the modern era. This realisation has sparked a global movement towards curriculum reform, aimed at redefining the way we educate and preparing learners for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. 

Curriculum reform encompasses a shift towards holistic development, acknowledging that education is not solely about academic achievements but also about cultivating well-rounded individuals. By incorporating social-emotional learning, physical education, and arts into the curriculum, students can develop their emotional intelligence, physical well-being, and creative expression.

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Student wellbeing news and events

Mr Baldino Vetrano - Director of Students

I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and high spirits. We have had some exciting events and important updates that I would like to share with you.



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Studies in the Senior School

Ric Bombardiere - Director of Studies

Upcoming events

  • Friday 26 May - Year 12 Academic Awards
  • Monday 29 May - Year 7 – 10 Exams Begin
  • Wednesday 21 June - HSC Minimum Standards Catch-up sessions begin


Homework Help Club

Homework Help Club on Monday afternoons is a chance for students to spend time studying, completing assessments and finishing homework in the inviting environment of the Marian Centre. There are subject and learning support teachers on hand to help students (a different faculty attends each week) and the afternoons are overseen by our Academic Care Leaders. The afternoons begin at 3.15pm and conclude at 4.30pm. 

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From the Boarding Community

Luke Morrissey - Director of Boarding

Dear Parents and Friends,

I write to you again from a regional location, this time in Griffith, with a country dinner this evening, followed by a boarding expo tomorrow. Again, it has been a significantly busy time in our community over the course of the last few weeks.


National Boarding Week

On Monday 15 May the boarding leaders launched National Boarding Week at the Monday morning line-up with all students in the Senior School. The week aims to highlight the significant impact the more than 20,000 boarding students have on communities across the more than 200 boarding schools in Australia. Through discussion with our senior students, a fantastic week of activities was planned to engage the entire St Gregory’s Community. 

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Youth Solutions

In Week 3 the First Nations boys in Years 7-9  Boarding began their 4-week Artucation program with the support of Youth Solutions. In this session, the boys were provided with education about the impacts of Alcohol and other drugs. Over the coming weeks, the program will deliver sessions around mental health and resilience, with the program culminating in an Art education workshop to be hosted by Local renowned artist, Danielle Mate. 

UTS (Jumbunna) Visit

On 5 May, our First Nations boys in the Senior School were all presented to an introduction to University life from the Jumbunna Centre for Indigenous Education at UTS.

The session was facilitated by Jumbunna Staff who shared a little of what it is like to make the transition to further tertiary education and the support services available on campus for students. During the session boys were also given a run-through on the alternative entry pathways available to them, and then a breakdown of how to commence these pathways was also shared.

The session ended with the team from Jumbunna and our students sharing a meal and connecting. Mr Humphries, said that post the visit, he has continued to support our current senior boys as they commence their journey towards tertiary education, in partnership with Mr Ivancic, Leader of Learning – Transition and Pathways, ensuring that our First Nations boys are aware of the First Nations support and pathways that are on offer.

First Nations Family Day

On Friday 19 May, the College hosted its inaugural First Nations Family Gathering. The day began with an Acknowledgement to country from Senior boy, Gene Wighton (Wiradjuri). The Senior boys then shared with gathering two of their dances they have been practicing. The Gathering was a great opportunity for the First Nations families to come together and connect with the College and the broader community alongside the family weekend celebrations.

Families were then address by Mr Brennan, Mr Humphries and Mr Morrissey and the importance of family, connection and culture were all celebrated. Many families took time to visit the First Nations room and spend time touring the school and visiting teaching staff. Mr Humphries said it was great to hear from families who reflected on watching their boys dance for the first time and proudly share their culture.


First Nations & NRL Indigenous Round Celebrations

Last Wednesday, Our First Nations students from the College, were privileged to host the NRL’s Referees, as they celebrated the NRL Indigenous Round week. Our Junior School Leaders and First Nations Students Performed an Acknowledgment of Country Before the Senior Boys performed 2 dances. 

The Senior Boys then hosted a dance workshop for the team of Refs, before the refs hosted a theory session for those students who have an aspiration to become a referee.

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Go Foundation Scholarships

On the 4 May some of our Go Foundation Scholars joined Mr Humphries at the University of Sydney Campus to connect and share culture with a number of other scholars from across the region.

The day commenced with Michael O’Loughlin and Adam Goodes sharing with Scholars their journey to success and how they have overcome challenges to now be community leaders and owners of a strong foundation for education for the next generation. All Scholars were then treated to a talk with Goanna Academy founder and former NRL great Greg Inglis who shared his personal journey and stories of resilience to now also set up and provide support in the mental health space with his own academy.

Scholars were then supported to engage in cultural activities and lunch which saw them show of their dancing abilities as well as to continue to connect with other scholars from across the community.

PDS Winter Round 1 Wrap Up

1st Grade League


A high quality game of rugby league. 

An early error on kick reception and a minor defensive issue with spacing resulted in St Dom's scoring in the corner. This was the beginning of a tit for tat period up until halftime. St Greg's led 10-8 at halftime. 

St Dom's came out of the sheds strong in the second half. They had a very dominant 10 minutes after halftime. We barely touched the ball. This allowed St Dom's to establish a 12-10 lead. Our St Greg's men fought back to take the lead 16-12 with about 6 minutes remaining. In true coach killing fashion, we did not complete our set following points. This gave St Dom's a chance to win it and they rose to the occasion. Final score 18-16 to St Dom's. 

Our four starting middles had a really strong game; Sebastian Sykes, Cooper Clarke, Dylan Smith and Jed Reardon. Callum McMenemy had a strong game in the centres. "


15's B

Win 32-12 (SGC)

"First game against Patrician Brothers Blacktown, the boys were nervous on the way there. We started the game strong scoring off the back of a penalty in our first set. The confidence grew in our team and it felt as if we were running with the winds at our back. Crossing over the white line we had Jacobi Fernando and Jackson Woolford with 2 each, Nicholas Breski and Tyler Gwilliam with one a piece. Our defence was aggressive and we dominated the ruck, playing our brand of footy for the whole 50 minutes. Man of the match went to Xavier young also scoring a try, assisting two and defending everything. Great start to the season. Go Gregs! 



Loss 13B's - 26-18

The scoreboard did not reflect the game. In a David Vs Goliath battle, what the St Greg's boys lacked in size, they made up in heart. The boys never stopped trying. We were unlucky to let two easy tried in, which in hindsight could have changed the end result. The boys put their bodies on the line - Lucas Fallon, Zaviah Knight, Max Cowie were next level with this. Reynold Roberts looked menacing with some great runs. Max Defina played with force. However, it was Jordan Mapesone that was this week's dark horse - he was everywhere and in everything! Gun effort by the lads, a promising start to the season. 

Intermediate Football Year 10

Draw against St. Dominics

Intermediate SGC Football A faced off against Intermediate St. Dominics Football B in an exciting and closely contested match. SGC dominated the game with most of the possession and numerous opportunities to score, but their failure to capitalize in the first half proved costly.

The match remained goalless until the second half when an unfortunate deflection from a free kick awarded to St. Dominics resulted in SGC finding themselves trailing 1-0 with only 15 minutes remaining on the clock. However, SGC quickly rallied and displayed a moment of brilliance as Chewe Kamufisa showcased exceptional individual skill to equalize, leveling the score.

With 10 minutes left to play, St. Dominics resolutely defended their goal, denying SGC any further goalscoring opportunities. SGC pushed forward relentlessly, but luck was not on their side as they were unable to find the back of the net once more, ultimately preventing them from clinching the victory.

The goalkeeper from St. Dominics deserves special mention for a stellar performance, making crucial saves and thwarting SGC's attempts to secure a win. Despite their valiant efforts, SGC had to settle for a hard-fought draw, showcasing the determination and resilience of both teams throughout the match.

Overall, it was an intense and thrilling encounter, with SGC showcasing their dominance but falling short of converting their opportunities. St. Dominics' defense and the goalkeeping heroics denied SGC a victory in what was a highly competitive and memorable football match.

Intermediate Football Year 9

Win 9-0

As we headed out to Blacktown there was a heightened sense of purpose. We weren’t simply playing in the PDS competition but had in our minds the Bill Turner Cup competition and game next Tuesday. We fielded a squad which had some omissions from our regular side. Some shuffling in positions most importantly Massimo as a false centre forward would pay dividends in the game. The game started in a frantic pace with our 2 Max’s dominating the midfield. It took us some time to get our touches and one twos together. After about 10 minutes, a number of through balls were placed to both Finn and Massimo seeing both of them scoring in quick succession multiple times. The first 10 minutes saw us up by 4 goals with Max Anastasio getting his first of the game also. The backs played a fantastic game limiting Blacktown to their half for most of the first half. Half time blew and we were up by 5.

Second half conversation was a matter of fining tuning and knowing that we were playing for a bigger purpose; wanting to win games through discipline, structure and with key game strategies in play. We also knew that it was a dress rehearsal for Bill Turner Cup next Tuesday.

We started the second half with the same pace and strategies and were rewarded with another 4 goals by Massimo, Finn and Max Anastasio. It was a strong win which was supported by a strong full squad game plan. 


Well done lads!


Junior Football

Loss Blacktown - they won 2 - 0 Blacktown

Our Year 7A team are playing against mainly Year 8 teams this year. The boys were extremely competitive against a team physically bigger than us. We were two nil down at half time ( the second goal was of a dubious nature!) The boys dug deep and dominated the second half (10 shots to 2) but just couldn't put the ball into the net. The sportsmanship and effort of our boys was exemplary. The referee spoke to me after the game and said we played the better football and were unlucky to not get a draw. A big thank you to the parents that supported us on the day. Hold your heads high boys - you were a pleasure to coach.

2nd Grade Rugby League

Loss Fairfield 20 - SGC 18. St Greg's scored first try

An amazing effort by a very young and very small team. Despite there being plenty of nerves prior to the game, these boys quickly settled in and made it known they were here to play. A couple of opportunistic line breaks set the standard and an early try to Mason Rope off an unbelievable faceball from Tyson Walker gave us the early lead. Soon after a 70m solo effort by Damon Potts saw us extend the lead to 10. Then the game started to see-saw. Another Walker cut out pass, saw Mason Rope score his second. St Greg's went to the halftime break leading 14-10. Fairfield played really solid rugby league in the opening period of the second stanza and took a 6 point lead into the final 15 minutes. Unfortunately, we were denied on a couple of opportunities until Fred Graham scored in the final minutes. We had the chance to draw the match at 20 - 20, but the difficult conversion attempt, just missed to the left. 

A most promising first up encounter where everybody did everything that was asked of them. Looking forward to backing it up with a home game next week. 

13's Rugby League

Loss St Dom'sSt Dom's

"There were lots of nerves this week when heading to the ground for round one of the season, with this being the first time many of the boys have represented the college. The goal for the day was to complete sets and learn to play as a team.

Both teams were playing well to begin the first half but unfortunately St Dominic’s were clearly better on the day and that started to show on the scoreboard.

The boys' confidence dropped and they forgot the goal for the day and started to make errors which built up frustration within the team. 

At half time the boys were reminded of the goal for the day and although they still let in some tries in the second half they played a lot better as a team and were completing sets.

Denham managed to score our only try late in the second half down the right sideline.

A special mention to Jackson Niamrin and Boen Brincat for putting their body on the line for the team."


4th Grade Rugby League

Win 22-14 22-14.

Victor Simon

After a rigorous term of trials, the mighty St Greg’s 4ths squad was selected with a few additional troops from second grade receiving a late call up on team list Tuesday. 

Is there a better game for a season opener than a local derby at home? Up against our own, it was a battle for bragging rights, 3rds V 4ths. 

As a new member and coach in the St Greg’s community, I had heard that third grade normally have the wood over 4ths, but the squad were keen to prove the critics wrong.

After a shaky start from both teams, Oliver Minehan showed brilliance in using our forwards to make metres upfield. Ethan K, Jack K and Co-Captain Josh Trevitt were outstanding in attack and defense. 

Other co-captain, Joei-Neaves and partners in crime Jack and Hunter did not disappoint. Steering the ship and working with our back rowers to create space on the edges. 

The highlight of the match came from fullback Victor Simon, who ran onto a beautiful flat ball to crash over near the post to score the first try. He finished the game with a double, after a scintillating kick return, running 90m to score untouched. 

Well done boys. We are on the board and undefeated this season. I hope we can continue our good start to the season. 

Coach: Mr Evans. 


15's A’s

Win 8-4 

In what was a great contest throughout the entire game, defence and willingness to work harder than the opposition proved pivotal to the boys securing a victory. Through some unforced errors and penalties, Penrith had the better share of the ball and were able to capitalise and score first. This also brought about an extra challenge with one of the boys being sent to the sun bin. 

 The boys responded extremely well during this period and actually started to play some good football. Getting some opportunities down the other end of the field. On the strike of halftime, Ricky Williams crashed over in the corner to go in 4 all at half time. 

 The second half was just the like the first with both teams getting opportunities to score but the desperate defence kept either team from scoring. Breaking the deadlock Josh Vella secured a loose ball before finding Ricky Williams who used his lighting speed to sprint 60m to score a great try. Losing another player to the sin bin for last ten minutes of the match meant the boys had to find something if they wanted to go on and secure a win. Luckily, they were able to do, starting the season with a 8-4 win. 


3rd Grade Rugby League

Loss 22-14 4th Grade

The 3rd and 4th grade game started with both teams suffering nerves and a lot of ball was dropped in the first 10 mins. It would only take one team to complete a set and gain some field position for the first try to be scored. Unfortunately, this would be 4th grade. They controlled the best part of the first half and second half. The edge players Lincoln Parmeter, Daniel Canellis and Tom Tyquin worked hard to break the 4th grade defence. The middle forwards Angus Ryan, Mase Hillcoat, Jack Headley and Bill Elphick tried their best to go forward. It wasn’t till the back end of the second half that 3rd grade would get back into the game and closed the gap to 4 points. But errors would cost the team and 4th grade would score, to push their lead out to 22 -14. Results in victory to 4th grade. Try scores: Salvatore Cavaleri, Cruz Farrar and Benji Leane. Jake Wright kicked one conversion.


PDS Winter Round 2 Wrap Up

13B’s Rugby League 


An absolute nail biter, as good as a Grand Final or State of Origin clash. What our boys lack in size, we make up for in grit and determination. Down 8-0 in no time at all, it was a huge comeback from the 13B's. Jimmy Jones led a cracking attack, ably assisted by tight defense. Ahead until the last 10 minutes, an easy try saw Parramatta back in front. And then, the ultimate end... a Greg's try from nowhere right on the siren! Celebrations all round!

13A’s Rugby League 

40-0 Blacktown

The first half started off well against Blacktown with good defense causing some errors our way. Unfortunately after a mistake from our side Blacktown made a break and scored through the middle. Line breaks through the middle became the theme of the game with Blacktowns pure size proving too hard for us to handle. Frustrations were evident throughout the team and the boys were starting to lose their way. The first half ended with 6 tries to 0. After a reset at half time and a reminder to play together, the boys started to play much better as a team. Although we didn't score, the boys held Blacktown to one try in the second half with some very impressive goal line defense.

Junior Soccer Year 7

St Greg's Year 7 Joseph Issa (it was the 3rd goal, our first) Our Year 7 boys played their hearts out and were very competitive against St Greg's Year 8. We lost 2-1 (Joseph Issa - penalty). Stand out performers in a great team effort were Oliver Halkyard, Mateo Parcio, Emerson LaMacchia and Aiden Cameron. The boys' skill on the ball is making us competitive against physically bigger and older boys. I was very pleased with the boys commitment and sportsmanship. We have the Bye next week - a chance to get some set piece organisation and tactics reviewed for the rest of a busy season.

1st Grade Rugby League 

Draw 16-16

Playing against Blacktown at Blacktown is always a challenging task. After a tough loss last week, the squad was ready to make amends. First set of the game Jed Reardon broke through the Blacktown defense showing the clear intent that the boys were up for the fight. Just a few minutes later Heath Mason chipped over the top and a flying Cooper Mangan scooping it up and scoring under the posts to lead 6-0.

The rest of the first half was riddled with errors early in the tackle count and penalties allowing Blacktown to come out of their half relatively easily. Having to defend our line set after set eventually wore the line down and Blacktown were able to score to make it 6-4. It was a flawless half for Blacktown not making an error with ball they were again able to capitalize on a loose ball right before half time scoring to put the score to 10-6.

Gameplan was simple going into the second half, cut the errors out and don't give away any cheap penalties and despite a 80m opening set from Blacktown that's exactly what the boys were able to do. With strong carries from our back five and a smart kicking game from halves Heath Mason and Cooper Black opportunities started to appear. Luke Fielding chased a Cooper Black kick to score in the corner to even the game up early in the second half. 

We continued to show great desire to work for each other constantly getting numbers into tackles and take tough carries coming out of our own half. A great piece of Indvidual brilliance from Captain Heath Mason breaking the line from 50m out before stepping the fullback and scoring under the posts. The score was 16-10 with about 10 minutes to play. The game was end to end and no team wanted to give an inch. With just under two minutes to play Blacktown chipped over the top before regathering and scoring under the posts to level the match at 16 all. A great team performance and extremely unlucky to not come away with win."

3rd Grade Rugby League 

The second round of the PDS competition saw St Greg’s 3rd grade take on Blacktown Patrician Brothers 4th grade. The weather was in fine, and the field was in excellent condition. This week the forwards played outstanding. Bill Elphick led the pack with the support of Jack Headley and Lachlan Stanley. The back row of Rory McGrath and Tom Tyquin defence was excellent. Daniel Canellis and Logan Nori led the team’s attack. Some great individual play from Dwayne Lyons and Cruz Farrar kept the team in the game. Unfortunately, due to some minor errors Blacktown won the game 26-20. Tries: Dwayne Lyons, Tyler Gnany, Daniel Canellis, and Cruz Farrar. Goals: Jake Wright and Dwayne Lyons.

15C’s Rugby League 

The boys played their best against a much bigger Pats side. The Greg's boys spent most of the game in defence and gallantly played on through fatigue and pain. Just before half time, the boys put 2 points on the board. Unfortunately, the game was called a little later in the second half. A great effort from all the team.

15B’s Rugby League 

16 - 14 (Penrith) 

This was a game of the proverbial 2 halves. St Greg's were slow to come out of the blocks in this game with very little impact early on. We gifted St Dom's, who are a quality side, with great field position and possession through careless errors and poor defense. They rolled up our middle and then struck out wide to go over for the first points of the match. Momentum was definitely not our side and St Dom's got out to a 14 - nil lead at half time. The emphasis at the break was to stay in the fight and stick to our original game plan. Ryan O'Grady lead by example, driving up the middle with some excellent tip-ons to spark our attacking sets. This allowed us to get into a position to play our attacking style of footy and some great footy work and strength by Jacobi Fernando got us over to get us back into the game. This inspired our boys, in particular our halves, Rhys Parmeter and Jack Jobson, who both scored a try each. With about 5 minutes to go at 16 - 14 to us, we put the pressure back on ourselves by not completing our next 2 sets. Luckily, our defense held on and we came away the victors, keeping St Dom's scoreless in the second half. A great effort by the boys to comeback from the deficit but it goes to show what they are capable of if we play our brand of footy. Players player for the week was Jacobi Fernando.

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PDS Winter Round 3 Wrap Up

First Grade Soccer

2-1 - St Greg’s win 

The boys started on fire with Valande scoring Worthing 30 seconds from a good win in midfield by Dady and quick counter to put us up 1-0. Boys controlled the game with some good combination play. Unfortunately, some sloppy defending on a corner provided Pats with an equaliser. Continued to dominate possession and field position for the rest of the half, with a few half chances. The second half was pretty even but with Pats having no subs we started to keep the ball for long periods and win it back quickly when we didn’t have it. We played well and created some big chances but we were unable to capitalise on them. The second goal came via Valande again via some great work on the wing from Cameron finishing with a shot that Pats were unable to deal with and Valande managed to get the scraps and put the ball in the net for a 2-1 score line with 6 minutes to go. The boys defended stoutly and kept Pats a bay to walk away with a 3 from 3 start to the season.

4th Grade Rugby League - 26-12

Round 3 saw the mighty 4th Grade take on St Paul's, Greystanes. For the third week in a row, we had missed the jump and kept handing the ball back to the opposition. We had not got our hands on the ball for the first 10 minutes in what seemed like a tackling practice session.


Our first touch of the ball saw Joei breakthrough, running 40m and offloading to Alex J, who was unfortunately taken into touch. On a positive note, our defence and line speed had improved significantly since rounds 1 and 2. Patty Birdv played out of his skin, snapping in half anything that moved and taking multiple hit-ups each set. This was backed up nicely by strong runs from Riley, Billy, Jack Ben & Alex M.


We eventually got off to a comfortable 10-0 lead but St Pauls didn't go away, taking the lead not long into the second half going up 12-10. Some big hit ups from Mav. Trev and Log helped us get onto the front foot, with Alfie Walker and Olie Minahan making great use of quick play-the-balls, snaring a try each.


Cooper West made his debut with great footwork and multiple tackle busts each time he ran the ball. Kaylan once again let nothing past, cutting everyone who ran his way in half. The game was over with one minute to go when Alex made a 1 on 1 tackle following a great kick-chase effort, raking the ball off his opposing winger, only for the ball to bounce and find the hands of none other than #1 Victor Simon to scoot over and score under the post.


Well done this week boys.


Man of the Match: Oliver Minehan


2nd Grade Soccer

3-0 St Gregs

A fantastic result for the boys winning 3-0 against Harris Park. In a shortened match, we started off well having most of the ball but some sloppy passing and off target shooting resulted in no score before half time. In the second half we came out firing on all cylinders and Mason Hunter bagged all three of our goals. Zac Emerton would cross the ball twice to Connor Gray who in turn would set up Mason for a goal on the first two occasions. Mason hit a rocket into the goal right on the full time whistle. Special mentions to Ryan White who has a great shot cannon into the crossbar and to Anthony Zappia for keeping a clean sheet with some great saves. Well done everyone.

A special mention to Mr Kemet who accompanied the team an refereed the match for us. 


Junior Soccer Year 7 Team

We found we were playing a team around the same age and size as us. We started strongly and started to dominate the mid field. We raced out to a 3 nil lead. We then became a little disjointed and let in a sloppy goal. This gave the opposition some hope and they began attacking us with some good play. Connor Dawson in goal pulled off a great save and the momentum shifted back to us. We dominated play again and won the game 7- 1. The boys were very happy and deserved such a good win.

Intermediate Soccer Year 9 Team


Another hotly contested game between us and Patrician Brothers Blacktown. Going into these games is always an unknown of how many players from Year 10 and Year 9 make up the side. In this case there were a number of Year 10 players that made up their side which showed in their dominance in the air. That being said the strong mid positions of our players from Ben and Jesse, and the 2 Max’s saw us dominate the mid field and have a very solid back line. We dominated the first half not allowing them much ball and space to move into our half. This was rewarded with some clever work up within the midfield and a through ball by Max Glavan to Dominic. Dom took on 2 of their players weaving and dribbling pass them to slot the ball into the net. Within unfortunately 10 minutes they hit back against play which saw our back line spread too thin. A Pats player got the ball within the box unmarked and his shot at goal was unable to be saved by Lucas. Half time was a draw.

We made some minor changes in the formation of the side which saw us bring Dom back as a false forward and the 2 midfield wingers take on more of an attacking game. The second half was marked with a tight tussle in the midfield for most of the half. However, the return of Byron saw him instrumental in the build up of a play in the 23rd minute to provide Finn with a lovely through ball which he cracked a sweet hit of the ball that was unstoppable and probably the goal of the series thus far.

Intermediate Soccer Year 8 B team

On a windy day in Penrith St Greg's Year 8b team ran against the wind in the first half. This played a major factor in the game being played in our half for the majority of it. Our goalkeeper Tex Thornton made multiple saves from close range and distance to keep the score respectful at 0-0 after 10  minutes. Not long after soaking up some pressure a long range worldie goal was scored by St Dom's that no keeper in the world could have saved! This deflated our team. A second well-constructed goal from St Dom's ended the half at 2-0. The second half began with us using the wind to play the game in St Dom's half. We created some good chances but just couldn't convert. It didn't seem to be our day. Multiple opportunities resulted in near misses or keeper saves. Antonio Cortes and Dustin Nott carved up the St Dom's defensive line but just couldn't convert. With time running out we committed more players forward to try and get a goal but this made us vulnerable at the back, which St Dom's capitalised on with some very nice passes into some speedy wingers. 2 goals later, St Dom's simply wanted the victory more than us. Credit to the team for never giving up and running all the way to the final whistle. The first half damage was too much to come back from. 4-0 final score.  

Junior Soccer Year 8 A Team

2-0 St Greg's

In our third game of the season we came up against a strong St Paul's team. 

St Greg's started on the front foot, Alex Hoare working tirelessly up front and setting a great tone for the match. We created some great chances after strong build up play from Cooper Bangs, Brendan Clarke and William Beale. On the 10 minute mark the ball fell to Alexander Truong who skillfully beat two players before firing a shot from the edge of the box into the bottom left corner, continuing his excellent form. 

The half finished with chances to both teams, however St Greg's defense led by Adam McElhone and Jayden Suffell, would not be breached.


The second half began in a similar fashion, however we failed to talk our chances. Thankfully with 10 minutes some sustained pressure led to a forced handball in the box against St Paul's resulted in a penalty kick. Goal scoring machine Alexander Truong stepped up and calmed blasted the ball past the opposition.


As the game came to a conclusion the physical nature of the game stepped up and I was very proud that the St Greg's boys showing great character and class to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Go Greg's!

MVP: Alexander Hoare

Coach: Mr Daniel Goodhew, Manager: Tobias Power (Year 9)

Intermediate Soccer Year 10 team

SGC Intermediate A - 5-0

In a thrilling soccer encounter between SGC Intermediate A and St Paul's A, it was SGC who emerged victorious with a dominant display from start to finish. The match took place at an undisclosed venue on [date], captivating the spectators with an intense battle between the two teams.


From the opening whistle, SGC Intermediate A showcased their intent to take control of the game. They dominated possession and mounted a barrage of attacks, constantly testing the St Paul's A defense. Despite their relentless pressure, SGC Intermediate A struggled to convert their chances into goals, with the opposing goalkeeper putting up a valiant effort.


However, in the first half, SGC Intermediate A finally broke the deadlock. Chewe Kamufisa displayed his scoring prowess by finding the back of the net, sending the SGC supporters into a frenzy. The goal served as a testament to SGC's persistence and determination, rewarded with a well-deserved lead.


As the second half kicked off, SGC Intermediate A maintained their stranglehold on the match. Their dominance in possession allowed them to dictate the rhythm of the game, constantly probing the St Paul's A defense. The relentless pressure paid off handsomely, as SGC Intermediate A found the back of the net on four more occasions.


Chewe Kamufisa continued to be a potent threat, adding to his tally with another goal in the second half. His clinical finishing showcased his proficiency as a striker, cementing his importance to the team. Luka Mandalinic, Mervyn Stone, and Xavier Dalpra also contributed to the goal fest, displaying the depth and diversity of SGC Intermediate A's attacking options.


Throughout the match, Nathan Salter and Aiden Richards stood out as outstanding performers for SGC Intermediate A. Their exceptional displays in both defense and midfield were instrumental in maintaining SGC's dominance. Salter's and Richards composure and defensive solidity made them worthy contenders for the man of the match award.


In the end, SGC Intermediate A emerged as the well-deserved winners, showcasing their superiority in all aspects of the game. Their relentless attacking intent, combined with a solid defensive display, overwhelmed St Paul's A. The final score reflected SGC Intermediate A's dominance, triumphing with a commanding 5-0 victory.


SGC Intermediate A's performance serves as a testament to their skill, teamwork, and tactical astuteness. They will undoubtedly look to build upon this resounding victory as they continue their campaign in the soccer league.


Man of the Match: Nathan Salter and Aiden Richards (SGC Intermediate A)

Rd 1 - Peter Mulholland Cup

In our first Peter Mulholland Cup game for the season, the First XIII were excited to get on the field and make the home crowd proud yesterday. 

We were thankful to have Mrs Mulholland and Peter’s eldest son Heath with us yesterday morning to wish the boys well, followed by former First XIII skippers Charlie Guymer (2022) and Trent Peoples (2016) who presented the jerseys to the boys. 

We knew the game would be a close one, having played St Dom’s in the PDS comp a few weeks earlier, and it started that way. Some tired defence in the middle lead to a couple of quick tries which put the boys on the back foot but we were confident in our ability to put points on and tighten our defence. A controversial disallowed try to Luke Fielding didn’t help, followed by a second soon after a ball bounced off his head and that was the story of most of the afternoon. After another close missed opportunity to Lachlan Dooner we gave away a 7-tackle set then two penalties for St Doms to go 14-0 up. 

From there we chased our tail and probably tried a little too hard at times, we could see the boys were frustrated but they never gave up. St Doms were just the better side on the day, with too many crucial errors at bad times likely the difference. 

The boys and myself would like to thank the Leadership Team and all staff for their support and well wishes, we didn’t get the biscuits but we gave the boys a great experience they will still always remember, and it was great to see the school spirit around us as the crowd cheered on. 

It’s not the end of our chances in the Cup, we have two more games and if some results go our way there is still a chance to progress, but we will need to be better next time, and we will be.

Mr Thomas Morrison

NSW - Winners of the Australian All Schools Softball!

NSW won the Australian All Schools Softball Tournament held last week in Melbourne, VIC.

Oliver Stewart (Year 12) and Joel Byrne (Year 11) are key players in the NSW team and were the catcher/pitcher combination in the ‘Semi Final’ and ‘Grand Final’ of the Championship for NSW.

New South Wales came away with the win to Queensland in the Grand Final 9-0 on Friday, which was fantastic having lost to them last year by 1 run!

In addition, and to top off a great week of softball, Oliver and Joel were both named in the Australian All Schools team for 2023 – A fantastic achievement!

Parramatta Diocese Cross Country Carnival

It was a pleasure to accompany the competitors to the Parramatta Diocese Cross Country carnival at the Sydney Equestrian Centre, Horsley Park.

The sun shone warmly and we had an extremely successful day.

The top six places in each age group progress to representing Parramatta Diocese at the CCC carnival later in the term with 7th and 8th being reserves for the team. This means that we have 9 students in the Parramatta team as well as 3 reserves.

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NSW CCC Rugby League State Trials

It was my pleasure to be a part of the NSW CCC Rugby League trials on the 19th and 20th of May. The boys involved have been through a selection process earlier in Term 1 and were deserving participants. Our students have two possible teams to be selected in. The traditional pathway is the PDS team as well as the Metropolitan team which is a combination of students from PDS as well as students from the Broken Bay diocese. In total the College had 16 boys attend the carnival across the 4 teams, the largest representation in my 5 years involved and possibly the largest group of St Greg’s to attend the carnival.


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Agriculture and The Farm!

It has been another busy few weeks around the farm!

Years 7 and 8 MT technology have harvested their veggies

Year 9 Agriculture have been to the south coast steer comp with their four steers and also compared and consumed their meat birds. St Greg’s homegrown were much larger and tastier!

Year 9 Agriculture have been as a part of their course have training and preparing 4 steers for the competition at South Coast. They then got the chance to see how their steers competed against 12 other schools. Amazingly all steers received ribbons for their class! We had 3 seconds and 1 fourth.

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Year 10 Science & Engineering Challenge

On Friday 12 May, 32 boys from Year 10 entered the Macarthur Science and Engineering Challenge.

The Science and Engineering Challenge is a national program organised by the University of Newcastle. Over 1000 schools enter the nationwide competition. Students compete in teams against other school groups engaging in science and engineering-based activities. The fun and hands-on activities involve principles of science, engineering, and technology. The concept is to engage students in the activity with minimum introduction and theory as students explore scientific principles themselves. 

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Year 7 Experience Day

The Year 7 Experience Day is currently taking registrations. Bookings are almost full and with only a few spots left, once we reach capacity we will close the registration opportunity.

This day is specifically for boys currently in Year 5 at any school. They will spend an afternoon at St Greg's and experience life as a Year 7 St Greg's student.

Dubbo Show Wrap Up

The sheep team, along with Miss Wilson and James Dalton headed out to Dubbo show over the Family Weekend. The team had some great results;

  • Ram (2112) won his class and then went on to win champion woolly ram and then Grand Champion Corriedale Ram! 
  • Pair of ewes winning pair (we were also third in this class)
  • Group of three lambs – 2nd place
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English News – The Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards – Senior School


The Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards are once again underway.  Students from Years 7 – 12 are encouraged to enter the competition.  The theme this year is ‘The Winding Road’ but as stated on the competition site:

“Our poets are encouraged to take inspiration from wherever they may find it, however if they are looking for some direction, competition participants are invited to use this year's optional theme to inspire their entries."

English teachers have been discussing the competition with their classes.  It is highly recommended for students in A-classes (including Literature Circle) to submit an entry, but all students are welcome to have a go at the competition. 

The competition closes on June 30th and entries need to be submitted to English teachers by Monday 20th June for collation.  Alternatively, they can be emailed to Mrs Arentz.  The entries should be word-processed in a distinguishable font such as Arial, Calibri or Times Roman.  Poems should be no more than 80 lines.  Students need to include their full name, age and year group.

Michelle Arentz

Assistant English Coordinator

More about the competition, prizes and conditions of entry can be found by going to the competition website.

English Comes Alive at St Greg’s

Recently students from Years 7, 8 and enjoyed performances from the theatre group, Poetry in Action.  A trio of actors visited St Gregory’s College on the 16th May and performed two different shows.  The shows complemented units of work currently being taught in our Stage 4 and 5 classrooms and the launching of the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition earlier this term.

The first, Elements of Rhyme (Years 7 and 8) was an engaging, comedic performance that taught the students the five key elements of great poetry: rhyme, rhythm, imagery, narrative and theme.  The script made references to several famous poets, musicians and films.  Students were amazed by the hilarious antics of the actors and the informative and educational script that was part of the show.  Max Morris in Year 8 said it was a “fun way to learn about poetry.”

The Year 9 show, International Anthem was a dynamic and interactive performance that drew upon an extraordinary heritage of poetry and literature in defining a sense of national identity.  This tied in perfectly with our current Year 9 Poetry Program, Various Voices – Multiculturalism in Poetry and gave voice to the multicultural aspects of our rich and diverse nation.  The show engaged our students with an incredible range of poetry from Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

Mrs Michelle Arentz

Year 1 Excursion to Fairfield Museum

This term, Year 1 has been inquiring into the past under the theme ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’ and understanding how the past informs the way people live today. 


We have inquired into:

  • Technologies in the home and community
  • Similarities and differences of technology from the past
  • The effects of changes on people’s live


On Tuesday 2 May, Year 1 visited Fairfield Museum and immersed themselves in the day. They experienced firsthand the types of houses people lived in, schooling, the clothes they wore, the variety of children’s games played and how they did their laundry and shopping. 

On returning to school, Year 1 were reflective and wrote any statements, amazements and questions they had from the excursion.

  • At the excursion I saw the Blacksmith make a butcher’s hook using fire. - Luke B
  • I was amazed by the store because it had everything and was so small. - Riley H
  • I liked when we got to dress up in the clothes from the past. - Ricci Y
  • I was amazed by the ink pens we used at the school when writing. - Gisele S


Year 1 will continue to be inquirers by learning more and asking questions to compare the past and how we live today. By the end of the term, we will develop our creative-thinking skills by creating posters, brochures, speeches and interviews about the similarities and differences of technologies from the past. 


Mrs Limbrey and Miss Cecil

Year 1 Teachers

Year 5 - The Arts

In our most recent Unit of Inquiry, Year 5 studied how ‘Communities are defined through their expression of self’.

We unpacked our understanding of ‘The Arts’. In this line of inquiry, we explored the concept of form, and how there can be many types of art forms. The students concluded that artistic expression can be seen in the design and composition of many things - poetry, theatre, visual arts, dance, fashion and music just to list a few. 

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Year 4 – Commemorating ANZAC Day

During Week 1, Year 4 engaged in learning experiences where we explored the events of the ANZAC landings and the spirit of the soldiers who took part in the landings.  
Image preview
Fortunately, Year 4 was chosen to take part in the whole college ANZAC Day Ceremony. During the ceremony, every student in Year 4 took a poppy and placed it on the wall of the hall to form the letters of ANZAC. The students performed their duty reverently and with utmost respect.  
In our classes, we completed art activities; explored written and visual texts looking at different perspectives from World War 1; and completed a research task to create an infographic text that showed World War 1 statistics (that answered questions from our Wonder Wall).  


“I really enjoyed the College’s service as I learnt a lot about ANZAC Day and the Vietnam War. It’s important we remember what happened and to remember the soldiers who didn’t return home. It’s also important because hopefully we can learn from it and prevent it from happening again.” Jessica Ruksens 
“Learning about ANZAC Day is important because we pay respect to people who went to war, so that we can live our lives as happy as can be, in a free country.” Imogen Mahony 
“On ANZAC Day people go to different areas to participate in ceremonies. I marched in Sydney in the British Merchant Navy and I held the French flag. I have family members that have served in wars, so it is important to me.” Zachary McMullan 

Junior School Sport Wrap Up

For a full wrap up of IPSSO Winter Results - read more below!

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Maroon and Blue Dance


We warmly invite our current and past parents, along with their friends, to roll up, be dazzled, amazed and whisked away for a magical night under the big top at our annual Maroon and Blue Parents Dinner.

Date: Saturday 22 July 2023

Time: 6.30pm - 11.00pm

Dress: Cocktail with Circus flair

Tickets: Early Bird tickets $60pp (purchased before the long weekend 12/6/23) or $70pp if purchased after this date.

Entry includes; themed arrival canapes, dinner and dessert from a scrumptious assortment of food vendors

Purchase a Table of 10 or individual tickets

Complimentary drink on arrival, with beverages available for purchase (beer, wine, champagne, premixes & soft drink)

To book your tickets click here


St Marcellin Walk - 4th June 2023

Have you ever driven through Gregory Hills and wondered what the sculptures are and why they are there? Well, wonder no more! As part of the College's Champagnat Day celebrations, we are hosting "St Marcellin's Walk". 

The walk will begin at the Chapel of Annunciation on the College grounds. We will walk as a group and visit the various artworks and learn more about their Marist story. The land on which Gregory Hills is situated has a rich historical association with St Gregory's College and the Marist Brothers. There are many public artworks throughout the suburb which celebrate this connection.

So, gather the family and meet us at 9am on Sunday 4th June. The walk is mostly flat and is considered easy. After the walk, there will be a shared BBQ breakfast at 10.30am. Parking is available onsite.

To be part of the walk you must RSVP. Please email Cathie Clarke our Director of Mission at 

We look forward to welcoming you and your family!

Old Boys Reunions

Saturday 24 June: This event is an Old Boy's reunion for the following year groups:
1983, 1993, 2003, 2013 and 2018.

The evening will be held in the Br Luke Hall, commencing at 6.00pm.
The cost includes canapes upon arrival, a short tour of the College, a buffet dinner, a class group photo, and transport from the College by bus.
Beer and wine will be available to purchase on the night.

The bus will depart at 10.15pm to the Campbelltown Catholic Club to continue your celebrations.

RSVP by Monday, 19 June 2023
Ticket Cost $100
Dress Code: Smart Casual