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College K-12

Creating a Culture of Feedback

Creating a culture of feedback happens when we are prepared to listen to every voice within the school community. 

A teaching and learning focus for 2024 and beyond is to create a culture of feedback to improve teaching and learning practices, to improve student learning outcomes.

Creating a culture of feedback can lead to transformative dialogue at all levels of a school. A culture of feedback aims to make both staff and students valued and engaged, leading to a happier, more productive, and more successful school environment. 

So how will we establish a culture of feedback? The College will be using a survey platform that has been developed for educational purposes and used by many schools throughout NSW and Australia. Pivot provides evidence-based survey tools that empower educators with insight, inspire conversations, and generate shared ideas for change. 

The survey platform is aligned to the AITSIL teaching standards, which allows students to provide their teachers with feedback on observable teaching practices. The survey has been designed to help activate student voice, develop whole school cultures of feedback and to support teacher professional development. 

Why ask students for feedback? Research shows that student feedback is one of the most reliable and effective strategies for improving outcomes. When we engage students feedback processes we promote active classroom participation, stronger engagement in learning, and improve teacher-student relationships. 

Feedback will be used to visibly drive whole school and classroom improvement. When staff and students see change happening based on feedback they have given, they will see that their voices really do have an impact. 

The Student Survey on Teaching helps schools to measure student engagement and the impact of teaching practice. 


Ms Judith Tolomeo

Director Teaching and Learning


ABN 42 940 977 322