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Gregory Hills NSW 2557,

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PYP Exhibition - Year 10 Mentors

A small number of Year 10 students met in the Marian yesterday to reflect on their role as mentors during the PYP Exhibition held at the end of last Term. The PYP exhibition process marked a significant journey for our younger Year 6 peers, and our Year 10 mentors played a pivotal role in guiding them through it.


The mentors shared their growth and achievements, success stories, and areas in which the PYP exhibition and learning process could be made an even greater success in 2024. As they shared their stories and insights, it became clear that this mentorship went beyond academic benefits. It also involved developing stronger connections between the junior and senior school students and staff.


Mr Gannon, PYP Coordinator, and Mr Duggan, Stage 5 Academic Care Leader, were very appreciative of the insights gained from the Year 10 mentor students, as they sought to evaluate the pilot program. Some of the insightful and transformative comments made by the mentor students are included below. 


“I feel like it was a great experience for us all and we all had a fantastic time being able to help the younger students.”


“I enjoyed the experience of teaching younger individuals about modern day problems and putting it in ways they can understand”.


“It has helped my organisation skills as I was contributing to the organisation of the students. This is great, since organisation will be a key part of studying in Stage 6.”


“It has allowed me to develop leadership skills and has allowed me to help out wherever possible. It was truly a great experience, one that I wish I had in primary school.”

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