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Supporting Our Students Wellbeing

From the Desk of Mrs Lily Mamo, College Counsellor 

Dear St. Gregs Community,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mrs. Lily Mamo, and I have the privilege of serving as part of the College Counselling team at St. Gregs on a part-time basis. I am present at the school three days a week, dedicated to supporting our students' emotional wellbeing.

To share a few fun facts about my time here: I have been working at St. Gregs since 2021. I initially started at the Senior School, and now, I have the incredible opportunity to work with our younger students. This transition has been immensely rewarding, and I cherish every moment of it. I have, somewhat regretfully, embarked on a "warhead challenge" with a few of my students, consuming unnecessary calories weekly to prove my ability to handle sour foods! This year, I have introduced several new initiatives at the Junior School, which I am excited to share with you:

Paws for Wellness Program:

Partnering with Cornerstone Companions, we have integrated a unique emotional therapy program using a therapy dog. Every Wednesday, students on my counselling list spend half an hour with Sable, our therapy dog, and her handler. This innovative approach has provided immense benefits, enhancing students' emotional support.  

Wellness Support Program:

This program focuses on various wellbeing topics each week, such as emotions, gratitude, calming techniques, and positive thinking. It aims to support students' overall wellbeing through group sessions, fostering a sense of community and shared growth.  

Wellbeing Ambassadors:

This initiative offers Year 5 and 6 students the opportunity to become Wellbeing Ambassadors for 2024. Announced in Week 3's assembly, these ambassadors present ideas and projects during our fortnightly meetings, to create a positve environment. Ambassadors also supervise our new "Calming Corner" during break 2 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. This space provides students a place to read calming books, use sensory toys, or simply a place to come and relax. The ambassadors, easily identifiable in green vests, are: Charlie Hoyle, Emily Scott-Glassock, Amelia Gillard, Lincoln Watling, Max Miguelez, Sasha Pereira, Charlie Underwood and Siena Austin(absent for our group photo in this newsletter).

Overall, my experience at the Junior School has been nothing short of amazing. I feel privileged to contribute each week, making a difference within our community and supporting our students to the best of my ability. Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards, 

Mrs Lily Mamo 

College Counsellor 

St. Gregs Junior School 


ABN 42 940 977 322