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Year 2 Poetry

Last term, Year 2 was getting creative by writing poetry. Our favourite styles were acrostic and cinquain poems. These follow clear structures that are fun to use. We included literary techniques like alliteration and onomatopoeia. Here is a collection of some of our work. We hope you enjoy!


STORM - Ilaria Canceri

Spooky, scary, grey sky, raging clouds, screaming so loudly they made a storm.

Thunder beating the ground so it can’t gasp or breathe.

On a disappointed night I watch the rain angry and crashing down. Makes a BANG!

Roaring lightning in every cloud.

My family and I are shocked and scared, cuddling under the bed.


STORM - Luke Sawyer

Spooky sounds are banging on the roof and they start getting more angry like a drum.

Tearing down my house, the rain is hitting me on the head.

Over the hole, it starts dripping with anger like a monster falling down from space.

Rain pours down disappointed and hail falls fearlessly.

Mud starts forming all over the grass, growing to a flood and entering the house.


BEES - Timothy Fuser


Small Honey

Buzzy Attacking Hurting

Sleepy Grumpy Hungry Sticky



STORM - Lincoln Smith

Suddenly sharp sounds were roaring down.

Thunder screams and hail is speeding down, glass shattering.

Our animals anxiously await the barn in chaos.

Rain starts to come down and the lights turn off and everyone is in a panic.

Mum hugs us tight, we are scared. The storm has ended.


BIRDS - Benjamin Angland


Colourful Cute

Chirping Flying Pecking

They make a nest



STORM - Silvana Vashisht

Spooky, scary, storm, clouds boom above my shivering head.

Thunder booms loudly as cold, icy hail comes hurtling down.

Over the house, the grey clouds start gathering together and swirl above my dizzy head.

Rails from fences fall down, collapse and get set on fire.

Monsters start forming in my head, while the hideous rain falls on top of me.


STORM - Adrian Caprar 

Storm cloud screaming in anger. 

Tight in my chest, strong but scared. 

On my bed snuggling under, hiding my feelings in the cover. 

Raining, icey, droplets from the sky. 

Mad lightning striking houses. 


STORM - Lucia Catanzariti 

Scary noises hit the roof like a big BOOM! 

Taking away the lovely bright sun.

Outside the wet rain waters the green grass.

Rain is hurrying down on the window.

Making little tiny droplets on the windows and doors. 


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