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Monday–Friday, 8.00am–4.00pm
School Terms Only

100 Badgally Road,
Gregory Hills NSW 2557,

(02) 4629 4222

Year 7 Grandparents Day: A Day of Connection and Joy.

On a sun-kissed morning, St. Gregory’s College opened its doors to over 400 grandparents and their grandsons, creating a tapestry of love, laughter, and cherished memories. Year 7 Grandparents Day was a celebration of family ties, intergenerational bonds, and the unique spirit that defines our school community.

Grandparents’ Journey

From distant towns to nearby suburbs, grandparents journeyed to be part of this special day. Some travelled up to 24 hours and as they stepped onto the campus, they were greeted by the vibrant energy of their grandchildren, many eager to return to the College as we welcomed families in attendance with three generations of “Old Boys” 

Liturgy and Classroom Visits

The day began with a beautiful liturgy, where grandparents and students joined in prayer. Afterward, grandparents visited classrooms, marvelling at the young minds at work. They shared stories, answered math quizzes, and explored geography and literature alongside their grandsons.

The St. Gregory’s Spirit

St. Gregory’s College embodies a unique spirit—a blend of faith, family, and education. Grandparents play an essential role in nurturing this spirit. Their wisdom, love, and presence enrich our community. As one grandmother (with an impressive 34 grandchildren!) put it, “This place feels like home.”

Praises and Memories

We had the privilege of hosting a 97-year-old grandfather, attending the College for the first time. His eyes sparkled as he admired the impressive grounds and the care shown by our staff. Another grandmother, equally thrilled, shared stories of her travels and marveled at the engaging classroom activities.

A Legacy of Love

Year 7 Grandparents Day reminds us that family connections are timeless. The memories created on this day will ripple through generations. As the College motto says, “You reap what you sow.” Our grandparents sow love, and we reap a legacy of warmth and togetherness.

We look forward to many more Grandparents Days, celebrating the ties that bind us and the joy of sharing traditions across ages.


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